A better year(schedule wise)

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Even in the first few weeks or so i could tell that i like my new teacher and subjects more than last year. Since i didn't go into detail about my teachers from last year, I'll do a comparison.

My first period in this year is advanced choir, which i can't really compare to last years beginner choir since it's the same teacher(Ms.Parker). I only suppose that advanced is better because it's mostly just singing, though more competitions.

Second period this year would be math which is MUCH BETTER than last year. My math teacher is the math teacher i had in 6th until she got moved up to 7th and we had to get schedule changes. Then we got this overly perky,happy, trying to be "hip" math teacher who i couldn't stand. Even though our teacher this year is "mean" or "bitchy" at least she isn't trying to be fake.

Third period is LOTC with my favorite teacher. I had it last year too but this year im overly pampered, getting bags of chips (both small and huge) almost everyday along with a breakfast taco once.

Fourth period is language arts which.........is actually more boring then last year. Last year we had a really gheto and fun teacher and this year our teachers just boring. She's not bad or mean she's just......... boring.

Fifth period is social studies which is SO MUCH BETTER then last year. Last year, and im not kidding, out teacher didn't teach us anything. Well a few things hear and there,but most of the time he would put on a historical video where it was extremely boring and you could barely hear the talking even if you tried. This year we had a " i won't take any attitude" teacher who is fairly fun, but anyone is better then last years teacher.

Sixth period is science and i can say without a doubt is my favorite core class. Not the science part,which i still enjoy, but our teacher who is so amazing. She's open about her life and her relationship with her fiancee (And soon to be wife) and she is very sarcastic. Last year my science teacher was not fun and a little to pumped up.

Lastly would be my spanish class which i didn't have last year so i cant compare it to last year. We also dont have a designated teacher since all of our work is online,but it's still fun.
Thank you for reading and sorry if this was a little boring, also THANK YOU SO MUCH for 100 reads i know it might not be a lot but i didn't think even 20 people would care to learn about my life so thank you.
Also check out my friend sourpandalove and everyonelovespie as well as TheGingerhobbit, thank you

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