The next steps

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After they had moved they had gone to a hotel near a lake.I was still very young and dont remember this,so i will tell you the things i do remember.One of the earliest memories i have was when i was about 4 and a half or near then. We were in a decent sized house and we were,as far as i could tell, pretty good.I dont remember my parents getting in fights much and we seemed to have a normal life.I dont remember how long it had been,but we had moved again to a much smaller house, and i didn't think much of this. Life was still pretty good and me and my brother still had fun. I remember we used to play hockey on the tile with a mop and a broom,such good times. Then we had moved to the house next to us,and a few months later the house next to that one.I dont remember why we did that,but i do remember what had happened next.
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