Aomine x Reader Movie Night Sarcasm

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It was 8:53 and your boyfriend of six months had called you up to ask if you wanted to watch a scary movie at his house since you two were neighbors. You gladly agreed happy that he would call you to ask to have a night just of the two of you. You were excited walking to the door but before knocking you calmed yourself down and knocked. You heard loud foot steps coming to the door and possibly someone tripping over their feet, you chuckled. Once the door open there he stood, tall lean well built boyfriend Aomine Daiki. His blue hair was messy but sexy messy, his skin tone its lovely shade that made you blush a little when you felt how warm it was when it reached you.

"(first name) you're early." Aomine tried to hide his smirk but eventually found its way to his face.

"Ha, ha I came to see if you needed help cleaning Aho. Can I not come over and help?"

"Don't call me that, I don't know can you come over and help out? It might cost ya though." He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him and inside of the house.

He shut the door with his foot and smiled a mischievous smile at you before pinning you to the door with no where for you to hide.

"Ne~ (first name) did you really just come here to help or could you not wait for me to cuddle with you." Aomine was close to your (color of lips) luscious lips that it made you a bit nervous no matter how many times you two have kissed.

You knew his game though he would make you nervous then strike, this time you felt a bit more bold tonight than ever.

"Well to tell you the truth I could wait to see you. With you being so, so cute and all how could I resist." You walked forward pressing up against Aomine with your chest making him back but against the sofa.

"You're so tall, and handsome too, with looks like those you could make any girl stop and stare."

Aomine fell over the arm of the sofa and crawled on his back hitting the other side of the arm chair while you crawled on top of him.

"Heck possibly even want to touch." You took your hand and slowly made it reach up to his right pec making him gulp as you looked into his eyes intensely.

Forsake you had him this time there was no way he was going to recover from you being this bold.

"Hey, (first name)?" His voice cracked a little, you fangirled a little on the inside.


"I can see down your shirt, I didn't know you had such nice boots are the D's?" Aomine smirked at you.

"AH! Aomine you baka! Don't go looking down my shirt!" Covering your chest you had felt your cheeks burn up and turn pink.

Aomine was doubled over laughing at you, puffing out your cheeks you muttered it isn't fair. Aomine stopped crying and took you in to his arms giving you a kiss on the side of your temple.

"You can't beat me at my own game, you only surprised me because you never had that look in your eyes before. Not saying I don't like it but it was hot. I also got to see more than I intended too."

You pushed Aomine's face away making him laugh. He got you to look at him and he gave you a quick peck n the lips. He was an idiot alright but he was your idiot.

~time skip to movie because Im behind on updates~

Aomine had picked out a horror film for you two watch, he know how scared you got and he hoped you'd press yourself next to him so he could hug you back. Once the movie started there were girls with better boobs than your own, you did a quick look and sighed quietly and turned you attention away but made it look like you were watching the movie.

Aomine is probably enjoying this view of girls you thought.

But you felt Aomine start to hug you and nuzzle into the crook of your neck.

"(first name) these girls are hot aren't they?"

You felt a peg of jealousy but swallowed it down, you laughed and nodded even though you were slightly hurt about it. You wanted to scoot away but Aomine had you firmly by his side. Then he directed his attention towards you and started to cuddle with you.

"Aomine, theres women with huge boobs right in front of you why don't you watch the movie."

"Don't want to, you're more important (first name)."

You laughed at his response and saw him smiling as well.

"Are you sure you're missing your chance here."

"I'm sure, I'm not looking away for you."

"This is your best chance to see boobs and you're just going to ignore it?"

"Pshh I'd take you over movie chick boobs anyway."

You felt your heart stutter a bit and instantly felt special, you felt your face burn up a bit but you didn't care.

Sure Aomine was loud sometimes or was mean but you loved him and he loved you. He always knew how to sweet talk you into things to make you special. Your eyes stung a little but you smiled to make them disappear.


"Yeah, (first name)"

"I love you." You tilted his face to your and kissed him deeply.

Aomine was shocked at how easy you did it but then soon started to kiss you back to show you how much he loved you back.


Alright sorry for not updating in ever, I really am sorry. Finals had me every where with nerves and such. But yeah this story though, this actually did happen with me with SC but we weren't watching the movie together he was at his house and I was at mine we were texting and yeah. But anyway, umm soon he feels sorta kind of the same way as me. I was super happy to hear that but it also makes me sad because we can't date because he doesn't want long distance where we can't be with each other like normal couples. Its just now hitting me sorta but yeah. He actually feels a bit distant as well so Im trying not to get attached a lot more than I already am but I already know theres no hope for men in trying that.

"I like you as in like you but then I like you was a friend."

Lol what do you know my face is heating but a bit from wanting to tear up a bit. Its okay though I got readers and a few close friends as well. Day by day right little steps till I make it out. Sorry for this ramble btw I will try and do a Christmas special and New Year special as well for my book that you guys for reading and listening to me ramble like usual. Stay pawesome

~Bluelotus108 signing out~

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