Aomine x reader Nightmares

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You couldn't hold in your excitement at all, you were so happy that your long time crush Aomine Daiki. Trying to finish your homework as fast as you could, that way all you could see was Aomine today and nothing else. Your parents had gone on vacation, and they were very good friends with Aomine's parents so they decided to go on vacation with your family. It was just Aomine and you in your house. Fiercely scribbling down your answers for your (subject) homework , the door bell rang. Curiously you looked at the door, who would come over now. Your parents weren't home so there couldn't be any work people coming over, it shouldn't be Aomine because he said he was coming at three in the afternoon when he was done with basketball, it was only twelve noon. Cautiously, walking to the door with your now sharpened pencil ready to defend yourself, reaching for the door and swinging it back force to see Aomine standing there looking at the pencil in his face.

"(Your Name)-chan, what are you doing?" Aomine scowled at the pencil.

"Geeze, you scared me baka. I thought you weren't coming till three." You sighed in relief seeing it was just Aomine at the school. 

"I, um I just wanted to spend time with you longer is there a problem?" He scoffed lookking at the floor blushing a little.

Seeing Aomine's tanned skin turn a light pink made you blush and happy to see him get a little flustered over being with you.

"Oh, well then just make yourself at home on the couch. I just need to finish my homework then we can watch a  movie. I'll get you something to- ah Aomine-kun what re you doing." As you started to lead him inside when he wrapped his strong arms around your waist keeping you close to him.

"Nothing, can you do your homework on the couch with me." He buried his face in the crook of your neck. 

Sighing from giving in to this new cute side of Aomine that you never seen before you stoked his dark blue hair, it looked rough but was actually really soft.

"Alright, Aomine-kun I'll stay with you." You kissed the top of his head and he brought you closer to him.

Giving him a water you both plopped on to the couch, only Aomine was watching you the whole time telling you the answers faster than you could solve it.

"Aomine-kun I can do it myself. Are you feeling okay? You're acting strange around me." You touched his forehead to see if he had a fever at all but he was fine.

"mmmh." He hide his face on your shoulder.

"Aomine-kun, you can tell me anything you know that right? Please don't hide anything." Taking his face in your hands you looked deeply into his dark navy blue ones. 

He seemed to relax a bit, and straightened up and leaned back in the couch. 

"So, what movie are we watching?" 

"Doesn't matter to me, you can pick." you cheerfully said.

Aomine thought about it for a while, a sly grin formed on his lips, "How about we watch a scary movie."

You stiffened at his choice but didn't want to seem like a baby and say no because you were terrified of scary movies.

"S-S-Sure, I don't mind." You stutter a little. 

He points to the screen the cover of the movie had a girl that was looking at a little baby with fear in her eyes and crying with black figure's hands wrapping around her trying to get the child. Just the cover was scary sending chills down your spin. You pressed the play button while Aomine shut the lights off plopping right next to you laid back. Mean while you were sitting there hugging a pillow tight against your chest, the movie hadn't even started yet either. The only light in the room was the TV. Halfway in the movie your eyes were glued to the movie out of fear, you saw something coming up behind the girl, you couldn't see anything but you could tell something was coming. Then the girl fell on the floor screaming then the camera and went out of camera view all that was left was her screaming and loud thuds. Jumping back you closed your eyes and covered your ears, this was way too scary you didn't want to watch this anymore it was disturbing, and getting scarier by the minute. Something warm slid around your shoulders and clamped on to your shoulder really hard. Screaming you jumped into Aomine's wrapping your arms around his neck.

kuroko no basuke x readerWhere stories live. Discover now