Kise X Reader Mermaid

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I'm not sure why but I feel like I should do a fairy tail thing with this but then not a fairy tail story with it. I wont make it too meh. I'm pretty pissed off by my idiot bro, he needs to just gah so annoying. It's okay though because you know what I got my writing and my friends who actually are my friends. Plus I got you guys which makes me very happy when you guys enjoy my stores, so thank you for reading the stories I make. With out any further rambling heres the story.

There once was a grand palace ruled by a great king an his wife, they had one child who was so talented in everything he did. He was Kise Ryouta, he was such a happy child his eyes always bright and smiling. He father knew that he would one day be a great ruler. One day the King and Queen went on a boat coming back from a business meeting with the other kingdoms with eight year old Kise. Kise was looking over the edge of the boat watching the dolphins playfully jumping out of the water squeaking just for him and doing flips for him. Kise laughed and smiled clapping for the dolphins. Little did he know a young mermaid the same age as him was with the dolphins, you heard Kise's laugh, his eyes bright as the yellow sun and his hair falling over though bright eyes as he leaned forward to touch the dolphins. Seeing him from only under the water, watching him smile and laugh above where you weren't a loud to go, unless  you wanted your mother, ruler of the seas, to destroy what you love to hate see gone. 

You couldn't help but to enjoy seeing the boy with bright yellow sunny eyes, with golden hair just like the treasures that were hidden deep  in the sea. When you saw the boy turn away you felt your heart tug at you for a minute. You weren't ready for him to leave you wanted to see him more, see his happy smile, those warm bright eyes. You didn't know what you were doing until it was too late you had jumped out of the water and yelled wait. The boy had only dropped something and was picking it up, but you jumped out of the water and was face to face with him for a few seconds. You blushed furiously when you finally saw those warm eyes on you, his face was marked with surprise but then was replaced with water again. You couldn't believe what you had done, you wanted to do it again when you felt someone grab your arm really hard, it was your mother. Behind her was you're worse enemy, (she/he) /A-N you guys can pick lol./ had told on you, grinning your teeth in annoyance your mother had jerked you to meet her eyes and not (enemy's name).

"What were you doing! You know you aren't aloud to go up there and be seen! Why would you do this to me, to your family?" Your mothers eyes were a flame with anger.

"I-I don't know, I'm s-" You began but your mother would not have any of it.

"Don't make it worse than it already is by saying sorry." Your mother was furious and looking down on you.

You turned away tears starting to sting your eyes, "He wasn't going to hurt me." you softly say.

Wrong choice your mother let go of your arm leaving a red hand print where she was holding on to you. 

"No, don't tell me. You're a disgrace (First name)! A disgrace, you are already an arranged marriage and now you do this us, your clan! You leave me no choice." Your mother growled. 

"No, leave them alone! They have done nothing to us! Mother please!" You began to tug on her she flung you to the side with great force that you hit your head on a rock and blood was leaking into the water, but soon stopped, you were a fast healer. Your talent was to calm the seas when they got rough, also to be able to heal others but your mother didn't know that yet. You hadn't told her yet though for a specific reason, you did not want to be married to someone who was a total jerk. Thats the person your mother had picked for you she didn't care if you were happy or not. 

Your mother had took control of the sea you could tell the sky was getting dark because the waves on the surface were getting angry and the current of the water was getting force full. You saw your mother swipe her  arms forcefully. You knew what was coming when ever she did that something devastating would happen.  

kuroko no basuke x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon