"The Clan has plenty of apartments all over the country."


"It's a good investment to build up real estate." He says with a shrug.

"And where am I gonna go?"

"I don't know, which ever one you choose."

"When can I come back?"

"When you're ready."

"But I am ready!"

"No you're not. Take at least two weeks off, maybe even a year. Point is, you'll call when you know you're ready."

"I can't believe you right now." I groan.

"Well, you'd better because it's your reality."

"Can I go now?" I beg.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

Without another word, I dart out the door. Knowing my dad, he lives by 'the sooner the better' motto, so I'll be leaving close to immediately. But there are people I have to say bye to. One of them being my boyfriend, Rex.

I quickly text him to meet me in my room. I'm barely sitting on my bed for two minutes before he walks in.

"Hey babe." He says with a seductive smile.

"Hey." I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks, dropping his smile.

"Care to take a seat?" I ask, patting the area next to me.


I don't open my mouth until he is sitting next to me.

"Babe, now would be a really good time to tell me what is going on."

"I'm leaving."


"My dad is shipping me off so that I can recover from Aunt Ronnie's death." I say with air quotations.

"But that isn't fair, you can't just leave!"

"Rex." I sigh.

I need to rip the band aid off, nice and smooth.


"You know my rules."

"What rules?"

"My dating rules."

He chuckles lightly,"Of course I do, you basically made me memorize them when we started dating."

"What are they?"

"One: You don't date cheaters. Two: You don't date people your family hates. Three: You don't do long distance relationships...." After that he seems to fade off, figuring out where this is going.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Phoenix, can't we at least try being a long distance relationship?"

"No, if my dad is right about this whole taking time to heal thing then I know a relationship will just distract me from getting better"

"But you're coming back eventually, right?"

"Yeah, but that could be a good while."

"So you just really aren't willing to try? To try and make us work?"

"Maybe when I get back."

"I'll wait for you, you know."

"Rex, you know I can't ask you to do that."

"But you're not, it's my choice."

"Yeah, but it's the wrong choice."

"Maybe, but life is about taking chances."

I really want to say; Aunt Ronnie took a chance and look what happened to her. Instead I say, "It's over."



"Okay." He says before sitting up and walking to my bedroom door. "And Phoenix?"


"I'll miss you." And with that, my boyfriend of two years walks out the door.

I let out a huff before falling back on my bed. I'm trying my best to ignore the pang in my heart. Being with Rex was magical. But losing him is nothing compared to losing Ronnie. So what's a little more heart ache.

"Where am I gonna go?" I ask myself.

Where have I always wanted to go? Somewhere calming for sure. Somewhere quiet.

Washington? Nah, too many werewolves. 

Maybe North Dakota, there are no packs there as far I'm aware.

North Dakota. What is quieter than North Dakota? Calmer?

No where that I know. But the likelihood of the Clan having an apartment in North Dakota? Slim to none.


"Holy shit, it's perfect!" I exclaim to myself.

There had to be at least seventy different apartments to choose from. Only one of them is in North Dakota, and it's beyond perfect.

One bedroom, one bathroom, and the rest is just an open living space. It's small and perfect for me. From the pictures in this file it looks like the perfect size.

"Found a place you like?" Caine says sarcastically as he walks into the room.

"Was I really that loud?"

"Oh yeah." He says with a laugh.

"What do you think?" I say with excitement.

His eyes scan over the house file.

"A little small, but you always hate wasting space." He says while nodding his head.

At that moment Dad walks in.

"I suggest you start packing." He says.

"When do you expect me to leave?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow.

"Tonight of course."

"What?!" Caine and I both exclaim.

"It'll be a long drive, I'd suggest getting it over with."

"Wait, so now I'm driving there?"

"Yeah, how else could you get there?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe by plane!"

"Actually, it would be hard to explain to airport security all the knives, the crossbow, and guns." Caine says.

Good point, but the drive is gone take me forever.

Dad's phone starts ringing with business.

"I have to take this." He mutters before leaving the room.

Caine tries sneaking out behind him but I catch him, "And where do you think you're going?"

"Urmm anywhere but here?" Caine says with slightly raised shoulders.

"Oh no, you're gonna help me pack."


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