"Hello, Jules."

I stared in responce.

It chuckled. "I was told by a few followers that you were sassy and talkative. Tsk tsk. I'm feeling rather disappointed." It waited for me to respond. After a sigh at my silence, it continued. "I couldn't reach you any other way without being... Well, that doesn't matter. I am going to do something for you right now. You will not be happy now, but in the end, you will love me. And I will love you, too."

I snorted, not remotely scared. A part of my mind was telling me that I should get away and run and scream and do everything I could to escape the situation, but the other part of my mind, as well as my body, told me that I should stay and see what was going to happened. The first part of my mind tried to rationalize with me that that was what it wanted, but I didn't care.

"So what is it? A new t-shirt with a picture of me in a diaper? What about a new Star Trek DVD? Lord only knows I can't get into something else." The next words came out of my mouth that did not come from me. "Are you gonna send Archer back?" After the words escaped I instantly froze.

Its eyes turned up in humour. "That's exactly what I want."

I tried to turn and run but my feet were glued to the cement. I blinked and suddenly the thing was in front of me, and I was able to see its face. I had never been more terrified, and I had seen some terrifying things.

What I had thought were long teeth was actually skin hanging off a skull in threads. The eyes that were so vivid and bright from far away were still vivid, but not bright at all. There were vivid from hatred. Whatever I was doing, whatever I had done, or whatever I would do seriously pissed it off, and there was nothing - absolutely nothing - in its eyes but hatred.

 Its mouth turned up in a malicious smile. I looked away from its face and my eyes landed on its hand. The long, thin fingers were curled up in spirals and I watched in utter fear as they moved towards my face, slow but with a purpose. My breath was increasing in speed and I felt as if any second my heart would just stop. The pointer finger made its way to my face and poked me on the arm. In a second my lungs burst into flames and my throat became raw and I didn't understand what was happening because all of a sudden, I wasn't me. It was like I was watching from above as my body twisted and turned in agony on the shadowed ground. 

And I was all alone.

Soon I wasn't able to look at my writhing body, instead looking up. The sky turned from a dark grey to a lighter one, and it slowly just became brighter and brighter until all I could see was white. I started to cry from the surprising lonliness I felt in that light and -

A sob burst from my chest as I shot up quickly from the hard bed. I was covered in sweat which didn't really surprise me much. lately that was how I'd been waking up. My head turned quickly to the clock beside the bed

4:00 AM.

Of course.

Instead of trying to get back to sleep, I ruffled my hair and stood up stiffly, and I was almost positive that if anyone saw me right now, they would honestly wonder if I was an old person in disguise. With a grunt and a groan I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom, in search of a well needed shower.

A few minutes in I realized something was a little off. I tried to figure out what it was but my brain wasn't working right and I started to feel really frustrated about what it was.

After washing my hair and body I stepped out onto the fake time floor, water dripping from my long brown hair. As I put on my oversized grey t-shirt and too-long jeans, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen very soon, though I couldn't be sure if it was good or bad.

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