The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (39)

Start from the beginning

Some small, lean blonde was sitting on my Father's desk, her white shirt cast to the other side of the room, her black bra the only thing covering her and her legs were spread so wide in front of my Fathers desk that I could make out her long high heels on either side of her body.

I let the smallest gasp escape my lips, and immediately both of their heads whipped around to see me standing there. My Dad's eyes were wide and terrified as he pushed away from the desk and stood up but the blonde just looked mad that a seventeen year old girl had interrupted.

“Sylvia.” My Dad said, and I didn't recognize the tone he was using, I didn't even realize that I had tears coming down my face and I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. “Sylvia...” He repeated taking slow steps closer to me.

I look a large step back until my back was pressed against the cool wall. “I.” There was nothing I could say, nothing came to mind to make him feel anywhere near as horrible as I felt. The blonde just continued sitting there, her legs were closer but she was still half naked watching as my Father cautiously approached me looking angrier by the second. “What!?” I snapped at her and she flinched a little.

“It would have been nice if you knocked.” She insisted in a bitter attitude and my blood began to boil.

“It would have been nice if you didn't f*ck my Father.” I wanted her to die, slow and painfully but before she could say anything else my Dad did.

“Cynthia, shut up.” He demanded, and her jaw set tightly. “Sylvia...” He closed the gap between us in three long strides and I turned my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. My heart was broken with betrayal and I wasn't even married to him.

“This is what you do? This is the reason you leave early in the morning and don't come home to late at night? If you come home at all?” I asked, my voice cracking and I could see in the reflection of the glass window his face distort in pain. All I knew was that I wanted him to feel more. “This is why you don't spend time with Mom or me... the reason you don't come and watch my soccer games?”

“Sylvia. No, you know-”

“No I Don't!” My voice echoed in the room, and it even scared me. I jerked my head to glare at him, so he would have to watch him own daughter cry. “I don't know anything. I can't believe after twenty years of marriage you're willing to throw that all away, willing to throw away Mom; the best thing that has EVER happened to you for some nasty hussy named Cynthia.” My teeth were gritted together so tightly that I was hurting myself.

“Excuse m-” Cynthia started.

“GET OUT!” He screamed at her, his face inhumanly red and she jumped off his desk grabbed her shirt and walked out without putting it on, or another word. “Sylvia, please let me explain.”

“You really expect me to listen to you explain just WHY you cheated on my Mother? Really?!” I demanded, and he reached out for my arm. “Don't touch me.” I yanked myself away from him and slid against the wall until he wasn't directly in front of me.

“I can explain though, I didn't. Cynthia just-”

“She jumped you? She ripped her shirt open and forced you to stare at her chest? Is THAT what you were going to say?” My Father looked awestruck, I don't think I have ever talked to him like that. “I don't buy that, and you know my Mother wont either.”

“Martha can't know about this Sylvia please.” My eyes widened at his words in utter shock.

“What?” I breathed, finally brought down a notch.

“Please don't tell you Mother about this, it will never happen again. Please Sylvia.” My Dad begged, and my broken heart shattered a little bit. My throat was closing up from my attempts to stop the never ending tears.

“Dad...” I pleaded, wishing he didn't ask that of me.

“Sylvia, anything you want. It's yours. Just, don't tell your Mother.” I made the mistake of looking into his watering eyes and my broken heart fell to my pelvis.

Ever since moving here, there had been nothing but cheating taking place. Chase cheated on his girl friend, Devon just cheated on her boyfriend Nick, and now my Dad... but one of thing that needed to stay the same was the honesty. I couldn't look at my Mother knowing how badly it would kill her to know about Dad, but it would hurt more if she knew I knew before. Chase told Maddy, Devon will tell Nick and my Dad has to tell my Mom. It would be the right thing to do, and I just couldn't believe he just tried bribing me to not say anything.

“No.” I whispered, and his shoulders fell. “You need to tell her.” He wouldn't meet my eyes.

“Baby, she will leave me.” He insisted, and I winced at his words. Devon had said the very same thing this morning.

“How many other people have you called baby?” I questioned and his mouth fell open a little. “You need to tell Mom what happened, everything that has happened,” I corrected, “you tell her now or I will.”


“DAD! You are going to tell her by tonight, or IM GOING TO!” I screamed and immediately he was nodding.

“Yes. Okay, you're right.”

I left him standing there, basking in his own lies, questioning everything he has ever done and just walked out without saying anything. In the halls the people walking by stared unaffected by how obvious it was, at my red blood shot eyes. It was much easier to find the exit, and the parking garage than it was to find his office, and I made it to my car quickly.

My hands were shaking so badly I couldn't start the car, my keys fell to to my feet and I just rested my head on the steering wheel and let even more tears come. The soft, tan leather provided little comfort as I rested my sore head, crying harder than I did in front of my Father. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn't even wrap my head around everything. I was crying to hard that my car was full of sobbing and gasps. I didn't know how long I sat there with my head on the steering wheel, letting my arm cover my red, puffy eyes from the little sun that the windows in the concrete parking garage allowed.

It was nearing four, and the air in the car was sticky and humid from my breathing. Honking and the sounds of engines disrupted my eerie silence every once an awhile but when kt was five the feeling of numb sickness passed, leaving me in shock and pain. My whole body hurt from sitting here for five an a half hours without any movement, and all I wanted to do is run from the car and just keep running, or hide in my bed forever.

But I couldn't go home, my Father probably hadn't gone home and told my mom and I couldn't go there knowing something like this when she didn't. I couldn't go home and not cry on her shoulder and not tell her everything.

With no where else to go, and the unwillingness to stay parked in this suffocating car I finally put myself together enough to pick up my keys, start engine and drive out of that parking garage. I probably should have ate something, but the very thought of food made my stomach turn and my throat close up.

I drove to the swimming hole Chase and his friends had shown me within the week of me moving to Florida. It was the only place I knew where I could go and be alone. It was eerie coming here without someone, after coming here with a whole pack of people. I remembered the happenings of that day, and how happy I was to have friends here. I never really told anyone but that was my biggest fear, no matter how strong of a dace I put on I need the comfort of others to feel better. I can't be alone for long periods of time without constantly being sad.

My biggest fear was being some sort of an 'Abel', but now that I could have the attention of everyone, and do I didn't want it. It was too late to quit the team, it was too late to leave that school all together and get on a plane and head to Devon's. That is if she would talk to me again.

Water kept lapping at the small body of sand, and as I dipped my feet in the water I realized I had gone the entire day without getting out of the tank top and cheer shorts. No wonder people stared at me, I looked like a slut. Maybe that was why that guy helped me in the first place.

Soon I was just laying on the sand, letting the water touch me. I needed to feel something, and this nuke warm water was better than nothing. I was barely wearing anything, so swimming was easy. My mind didn't even worry about the possibility of an alligator. My Mom would freak out if she knew I went swimming here. It was oddly serene here. No one bothered me, and I suppressed any thought of my parents, but when it started getting dark I walked out of the water completely soaked.

As I walked through the trees back to my car, with my only light being the moon I wished it was cold. I wanted to be cold... I wanted to feel like I was still in New Hampshire when everything was amazing. I had amazing friends that didn't expect too much from me, and a family that was happy. The seasons actually changed along with the temperature, and we could look forward to a snow white Christmas with a hoard of presents under the tree.

I couldn't expect that this year, and it wasn't even something I wanted. I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't even want to look that far ahead but as I climbed into my car and started it I immediately cranked the AC so I could feel the artificial cold eat away at my bones. I needed to feel anything other than the pain that was in my heavy chest. Was I overreacting? I couldn't tell, but I knew I was out of tears that was for sure.

The swimming hole that I spent another four hours avoiding the world there wasn't far away from my home, it was barely a five minute drive and I slowly drove by my house. Every single light was on and my Dad's car was placed in the driveway. I didn't have to crack the windows to hear my Mother screaming, and even in the darkness I could see shirts fly out my parents window.

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