The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos 43

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I know this is short, I gto up at 5:30 this morning to write it and am running out of time I need to go shower and get ready for school. Please enjoy, leave comments and some love!

I am super busy at the moment, note getting up earlier to write haha, because my school board CUT all after school activites besides sports, including Drama which is my life and so I am currently figuring out different ways to get that back.



This night was darker than all of the others that I could remember here in Florida, and not just because my entire outlook on life at the moment is bleak, but because the sun was no where to be found. There was no moon light that shone through my window to offer some vision, it left me in the dark, alone in my bed and wanting.

I hadn't talked to my Mom when she wanted to, she even forced me to the kitchen island to discuss the future but I was checked out. Whatever she said went in one ear and out the other, leaving me unscathed. I probably wouldn't have that much of a problem living like this, if it wasn't in so much unexplainable pain.

I kept thinking about Saturday, and my Dad, and how I never should have walked in on him. If I never walked in on him, I wouldn't have made him tell my Mom, I wouldn't have witnessed them fighting and felt the need to spend the night of Chase's... but in the end of that spiral I realized it was never ending. It didn't just start with Saturday, what about never moving here? Did he ever cheat on my Mom in another state? Or was it just that one girl?

I had a hard time believing that he hadn't done it beforehand.

If I never spent the night with Chase, and left with him at that soccer game, people wouldn't think I was sleeping with him now and that we were somehow an 'item.' That was the least of our concerns, or Chase if I wanted to be even more of a horrible person. All of Maddies friends, the ones she left behind when she went to another school in the hopes of getting away from Chase were now harassing Chase and I, mostly Chase though because he gave more of a response. When Abel walked away, and I did too, Chase explained that they pretty much attacked him with accusations about us, and that he defended us.

I never did say thank you to him.

If Chase never defended me in front of everyone against Abel, he might still be my friend. I wanted him to be my friend, because apart from him I was all alone. I thought that by not telling him everything that was tearing me and my family at the seams would keep our friendship safe, keep Abel safe... but I was clearly wrong because now I'm laying in bed wishing I could redo the last 7 months of my life.

I had a hard time sleeping, it was ten o'clock and even after a hard practice sleep wouldn't come to me. Coach, and the rest of the team seemed pained by my practice, and how out of it I seemed to be, but Coach roused me long enough to have a conversation with that scout, who said he told him colleges about me and they were thinking he made me up. I tried to smile and thank him for giving me a good word, but none of it came easily.

All I really wanted to do was go explain myself to Abel, because at the end of the day he was one person that mattered, and if I just made our relationship better I would be a little happier. It would give me the energy to give me mom the sorry she deserves, and make it through whatever that school feels like throwing at me.

What felt like an eternity of laying in my bed was really a half an hour, and I didn't know if I could make it through the whole night like this.

Suddenly, the light of the hallway beamed through from underneath my door, and I tensed for a moment before I realized I was doing nothing wrong by laying here. I saw the shadows of feet dance across my carpet before someone opened my door, I immediately closed my eyes. I may not be doing anything wrong, but I was in no mood to talk to whoever it was.

I heard a sigh, and knew immediately it was my Mother who was standing over my bed. My eyes ached, and I knew sleep was needed and wanted but not going to come ever as my Mom watched me 'sleep.' Before I knew what was happening she was shaking me 'awake.' I opened my eyes groggily, and stared at her.

“What? What's going on?” I asked, my body hurting from soccer practice, and from stress.

“I'm sorry hun, but... it's your friend Abel.” My hurting body tensed, and I pictured some of the stupid things Abel might of done trying to get into my house this late at night. Did he really wake my Mom up trying to sneak in here?! My Mom continued, “He's in the hospital darling, and he's asking for you.” 

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