Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~

We have finally arrived to Kingston and I was so tired I could just faint. I had to help my mum, brothers, and dad with the suitcases. A guy picked us up, I didn't know who it was, and I didn't really feel like asking. I sat in the back of the car looking out the window. When we arrived to our house, it was big, and it was colored sky blue. Everyone was excited, except me, my parents showed me my room. I immediatly got my stuff and locked myself in my room. While my parents persuaded me to go out and explore London by myself if I wanted to because I'm going to school tommorow again with new people, new teachers, and new suroundings. I had no other choice. After being in my room for an hour. I decided to finally explore Kingston. I left my room, went downstairs, and told my mum I was going to take a walk. She was totally fine with it. I walked and walked and walked until I arrived to a small park. It was quiet and lonely, and I was happy that it was. I saw some swings nearby and decided to go on, since I haven't been on for a long time. I was wearing a hat, which made it difficult to swing, since the wind wanted to take my hat. I then decided to just sit on the swing, when suddenly I hear screaming and shouting getting nearer and nearer. I saw a guy about my age running towards my direction with girls chasing him. Next thing you know he sits on the swing right next to me and asks, "Can I borrow that hat for a minute ? Please, it'll be quick."

I nodded and gave him my hat, he put it on and looked straight to the ground ... He looked familiar, I know I've seen him before ... Of coarse ! Why didn't I notice it earlier ? It's Tom Holland. I was so happy and excited, I didn't show it though. Or he would've thought I was was weird and also because I knew he was avoiding the girls that passed by and didn't notice him. After the girls left, he handed back my hat and said, "Thank you so much. Sorry about randomly popping up and asking for your hat. I just had to lose those girls before they went crazier and ended up injuring me or something."

"Its alright, I knew you were trying to avoid them because I heard screaming and shouting, while I saw you running towards my direction," I said.

"Thank you, anyways, I forgot to ask. What's your name ?" Tom asked.

"The name's Gabby," I replied.

"I think you already know my name, right ?" he asked with a weird face expression.

"Yeah," I said while nodding my head.

"Well, that's good, I like how you didn't act all crazy saw me. I like you already. But, why are you all lonely in the park ?"

"I'm new around here. Just arrived a couple of hours ago. Emm, do you know where Morton Road is ? I think I'm lost." I said. Then he answered, "Yeah, sure, I'll give you a ride, it's on my way home." he said while smiling.

I followed him to his car and got on. We kept asking each other questions on our way.

When we arrived to my house and got off, I said, " Bye Tom, thanks for the ride."

"No problem, you saved me from those girls back there, I'll see you around then. Bye," he replied and drove off.

I just stood in the night watching the car dissapear and I thought to myself, 'I hope to see you around too.'

Ohh. Yes ! Tom Is Now Here :D Now. Who Wants Chapter 3 ? Leave Your Votes & Comments Please(:

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