Starry Night Prom

Start from the beginning

Jordan was taken back, "Do you want to dance?" he asked, unsure.

"I would love to!" I smiled at him. I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. We dance like best friends should, as if no one was looking at us. We went crazy. I was laughing the entire time. Whenever I caught Chase's eye he would smile and wink at me.

When the song ended the whole placed cheered. "Time to go find your sister and steal her away for a dance." he winked at me and walked away. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. He is one weird boy.

I found Chase and he wrapped his arms around my waist bring me close to him. "Did you have fun?" he asked I laughed.

"Yeah, we went crazy."

"I saw that."

"So you were watching me?" I questioned.

"You’re the only one I ever see." he said smirking. I felt a blush form on my cheek. I heard chase chuckle and lean in. His hot breath was on my cheek. "I love making you blush." he said before pressing his lips to mine. Warmth spread through my body, sending tingles to my stomach. I would never get tired of kissing him.

He pulled away leaving me hungry for more. "So Riding Hood, do I get a dance?" he asked holding out his hand.

"I think I can pencil you in." I said placing my small hand in his big one.

He led me to the dance floor and right when we got there a slow song started playing. I rested my head on his shoulders as we spun slowly around in circles. As we spun I caught my eye at the sight of my sister dancing with Jace exactly like I was. We locked eyes for a brief second and smiles formed on both of our mouths.


I tangled my arms around Jace’s neck as he embraced me by the waist, pulling me impossibly closer. Lately, close to Jace isn’t close enough. It’s like he’s become this entirely new part of me; a part of me that I can’t afford to lose.

“I love you,” Jace whispered in my ear, making the hairs at the back of my neck stand up.

I looked past everyone as I let the words sink in. Jace loved me just like Chase loved Annabelle. I spied my sister dancing with Chase and watched as a smile curled onto her lips. When we locked eyes we both smiled. I closed my eyes and breathed Jace’s scent in. “I love you too,” I breathed contently as we swayed to the music.

The song was slowly coming to a blissful end but I didn’t want to let go of Jace. I just wanted to stay in that moment and just melt into him. I knew things were bound to change when we went off to college but for this moment in time I just wanted to enjoy being with him.

“Want a drink?” Jace smiled at me. I nodded, mesmerized by his deep blue eyes that matched his baby blue vest and tie.

We walked to the refreshment tables and I waited as Jace pulled a chair for me to sit. When he sat down we both got some piña-coladas, without the rum of course, this is a learning enviroment.

 Jace began to play with my hands as he stared at me amusedly.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I questioned, motioning toward my face as I swiped at it. Jace laughed and nodded.

“You have impossibly beautiful green eyes and the cutest freckles,” he smiled as he reached up to touch a curl that fell loose. “And the most fiery red hair.” He beamed at me as he rested his palm on my cheek.

I closed my eyes to savor the feeling of his touch on my skin, smiling as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. “I hate you for making me blush,” I reopened my eyes and looked straight at him with a bemused look.

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