Maybe This Is The End... (Part 2)

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Its the final chapter!!!!

I'm so sad now! I love Sophie!! I love everything about this book.

The little spin offs of POV's and the surprises that I think of!


I guess all good things have to come to an end at some point in life, eh?

Please enjoy this last chapter as I enjoyed writing it!!! :)

Much Love!!!



Title: Maybe This Is The End... (Part 2)

Waking up this morning with Josh's arms wrapped around me I couldn't help the feeling of safety. The feeling like nothing bad could happen to me at this moment. The feeling of amazement and tranquility. It's hard feeling like this after everything that has happened in my past, but somehow this one person... this one man, has helped me feel like this. He's made my life change. I no longer want to tutor kids, let alone have sex with anyone else. I no longer care for the little things that I was so badly looking forward to in life; for instance, graduation. What's the point again? I am wealthy, I'm a princess.

What the hell am I talking about? Of course I wanna graduate. Of course, eventually I wanna go to college and... I don't know, take up something in the police force, or become a fire fighter... hell maybe even join the military. I'm not completely sure yet. But I know my life isn't going to end after high school.

Doing my best, I rolled out of bed for an emergency bathroom break. I seriously had to pee.

When I finished I took a small shower and washed my naps out of my hair. Walking out of the bathroom I noticed the still sleeping head in bed and climbed myself on top of him, kissing him lightly on the lips.

I heard him groan, and mumble "why are you always such a morning person?"

I chuckled and looked at my dock sitting next to my bed noticing the time of nine forty-five. He always makes it sound like I wake him up super early in the morning, like six o'clock.

I rolled my eyes and dug my hips into him and chuckled as I heard his moan.

"Fuck Soph, I'm awake, okay?" He shot as his eyes burst open.

I rolled off him and stood next to him watching as his eyes followed me. throwing on a random shirt I found in the drawer and nothing else, I looked back at Josh, smirked and walked out of the room.

I knew he would need a minute, so I walked to the back glass door and looked at the lake thinking about possibly going swimming today. It looked nice enough out. It didn't even look cold out here. And to be honest, the sun was actually shining through the trees out here. This place is very beautiful. I could understand why my parents used this as a hideaway.

I stood there looking outside, and thinking about my mom and dad. i wondered if they'd be proud of me, or if they'd be disappointed. If they'd accept my lifestyle, or be happy that I became the most popular nerd in the school. Happy that I'm graduating with Honors and I still have another year left to do. I think they'd be extremely proud, but to be honest I don't know.

Warmth wrapped around my waist causing me to forget all my thoughts of family.

Josh kissed my neck as he held me, "good morning, Princess."

I smiled and turned around wrapping my arms around him in the process, "Good morning to you too."

He smiled and kissed my forehead, "so what's for breakfast?"

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