Fall Break Isn't The Only Break Around Here.

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CAUTION: this chapter contains unwelcoming situations that may be hard to read. There is a necessity for this chapter, so please, don't judge, just read. If you can not take what happens in this story, then please let me know. Thank you!

Okay guys so, I decided since I have 21 votes on my entire profile and 14 votes on my story, I would update just for you guys.

Two dedications...

1) kawehi-aloha: stop punching me in the boobs when we walk past each other.

2) CameoLover93-everything about your writing is amazing. As my friends like to say it tickles my fancy reading your short stories.


Now I am gonna have a competition. It'll probably be posted in the next chapter.

Anywhoo, here is the next chapter.


Fall Break Isn't The Only Break Around Here.

Sitting at home this fall break was terrible. I kept thinking about Trevor, and his words. It'd make sense, but why me? I wasn't extraordinarily pretty like Angel. I wasn't even slightly pretty like Diana. Actually I was average. Five three, brown wavy hair, that I normally had up in a pony tail, glasses, an okay body. Well I honestly can't tell you how many times I looked at my body this past week.

But, I've come to realize that I wasn't ready for love. I was once in love and look what happened, they left me. Of course not willingly, but still. I don't think I want that kind of pain ever again.

Over the past week, Diana has come over four times these few nights. I can't complain, she's actually really great. But something in the pit of my stomach told me that I can't do that with her anymore.

I felt as though I was using her. And I am not a player.

I sent a message to her telling her to meet me at my house in fifteen minutes. I needed a shower and I wasn't going to see her like this.

Getting out of the shower I heard a knock. Already knowing it was her I went to open the door in my towel. My towel fell to the ground with my eyes and mouth wide opened.

"Might want to close your mouth, Lil Bit. Would hate for you to choke on bugs." His eyes roamed my body and I realized I was standing there naked in front of him. How... How did he find me? He wasn't suppose to get out for another year.

Bending to pick up my towel I rushed to cover myself from him and tried my hardest to push the door closed. Flashbacks of my former life protruding into my eyes. Please, Diana, someone, help me!

Pushing the door opened, I stumbled back against his strength and backed up slowly.

He closed the door and I heard a tsk tsk tsk come from him before his devilish voice sent chills up my spine. "Oh, Sophie Marianne Lane. How much trouble you have put me through just to find you."

My body was shaking and my voice became weak as I spoke to him. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want Sophie." He wasn't lying. I did know what he wanted. But I looked at him dumbfounded. "I want you, beautiful." He finished.

His name for me sent a wave of disgust through my body. I stood there praying to god that someone would be here soon. At this point I didn't care who, but I just wanted someone.

"No, I'm still underage. You can't do this to me." I squealed. The strength in my voice just a myth.

"On the contrary. I happen to know that you just turned 18, beautiful." He walked over to my television and I looked around for a phone or something to knock him out with. I couldn't think of anything at the moment because my mind was to busy thinking about why the hell I was standing naked in front of this freaking creep.

"Sophie, please don't struggle this time. I have waited three years for this. And now that you're eighteen, there is nothing wrong here." He turned to look at me and I saw, for the first time in my life, my life flash before my eyes. He slowly stalked towards me and my breathing faltered as I thought of ways to kill myself before he grabbed me.

Deciding to not be a chicken, I decided to run to my bedroom. Little did I remember how fast he was. Pulling me by my hair I screamed and felt my body being pulled towards the couch.

"Please tell me you haven't been a bad girl." I knew what he meant but I was to busy screaming bloody murder to reply back to him.

Removing my towel his hands roamed my body causing me to heat up. Stupid hormone crazed body, don't react to him! He's not good news. Squirming under him I felt the hot salty tears streak down from my eyes as I cried for someone, anyone, to help me. To no avail, no one came. No one is coming.

How did he find me. Officer Templeton told me he was hiding me in the best place he could. He even told me he would warn me when he got out...

My mind stopped thinking once I felt his fiery breath on my nipple biting hard. I screamed and I know it would've caused a commotion to someone. But sadly no one was here yet.

When his finger trailed down my stomach and to my cunt I froze. My body didn't do anything. My mind left me, and it was as if I floated up and was watching myself get raped by none other than my ex-foster-brother. I screamed at myself to yell some more. Scream, writhe, and never give in. But I knew it was far to late. I could feel my emotions completely leaving me as his zipper unzipped and he pulled out his shaft.

I knew I was gone. I knew I was going to get rapped. And for once, I wished I would've told more than two people where I lived.

Fall break, you have just broke me entirely.


Well, there is this chapter. Please don't hate me! I know I suck, but there is a reason for this chapter!!!!

Please don't through anything at me, or bite me. I worked hard on this chapter, and trust me, it was rough trying not to throw up while writing.

Now! Good news, I'm gonna try and upload before midnight tomorrow!

Fastest upload, but I don't want to loose any of my fans. So PLEASE, bare with me. :)




Don't have to love it,

hell you can even hate it,

I don't Care,

Just let me know your opinions!!!!

Thanks you guys!!!!

Now for something I don't like....

Onions & Bell Peppers (Just to go along with this ugly chapter)


Tutoring Sessions [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin