The Beginning Of Sophie

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"Sophie where you headed tonight?" Matty asked. Matty and I have been friends since he tried to challenge me in history class about the holocaust, claiming that he only wanted to see how smart I was. Of course everyone else already knew that. But when a new girl comes to town, everyone tries to question you.

"No where actually. I have a tutoring session with Angel. I guess she's failing math and needs to graduate." I never quite understood why someone who hates math is taking Calculus. Taking calculus is like asking for an ass whooping. I'm taking Calculus and I'm a junior yet all those seniors in there seem to have some problem with it. That class is easy, with the right mindset.

"Angel? Isn't she a cheerleader?" I nodded to Matty's question. Of course every cheerleader is a failure. They take classes they don't understand, sleep with every athlete they can get their claws on, and tease every nerd in school they can find.

"Wow. Big step if Ms.Popular is asking one of us for help. Let me know how it goes, will you?" I nodded again, not having a clue what to say back. He was right.

Angel was pretty much second in charge. Behind Josh, and the football team, Angel stood. Where Angel stood, no one was worthy of standing. At least that's what she thought. See in my own personal way, I loved how this school ran. The cliques, the nerds, the athletes, cheer bitches and of course the oh so emo kids who act as if life doesn't matter to them. Angel was my stepping stone. She was a start for me to think about getting a new life, but my hopes were never up with her. She only cares about one thing, and one thing only. Sex.

Angel was well known around here in California. Of course, it's California. People are going to befriend you when they find out your mom is a porn star. Growing up, you'd think she'd try to stay away from that life, but I guess seeing the fame and fortune from her moms job lead her into the same lifestyle.

I can't complain, Angel had her moments. Back when we were freshmen she and I use to be friends for about a month. And two years later, look who's helping who.

Of course I'm a nerd. I've never smoked, drank, had sex, popped pills, cut. All of that never appeared in my calender of daily life things. But little did I know, today would change that.


I followed Angel to her somewhat of a mansion. Being my own adult you get life handed to you. Why am I my own adult, you might ask? Well, that's a story that should never be repeated.

Angel unlocked her door motioning for me to follow her inside. I've been here once. The kitchen got remodeled other than that this place was familiar. I went upstairs following Angel. She threw her bag on her bed and went to her walk in closet where she disappeared.

"Okay, so I understand most of calc. But I'm struggling on derivatives." Angel walked out in bra and shorts. Who the hell walks out in bra and shorts. And not to mention she had her hair in a ponytail with glasses on. Where did she get the damn glasses from?

Wait, derivatives were like six weeks ago. How is she just now getting help on this? What a slow ass. We're learning about Anti-derivatives and she can't even get past something from two chapters ago?

"Hello? Earth to Nerd Sophie. Are you gonna help me or stare at my body?" She was starting to irate me. This little girl has no clue what she's doing.

I shook my head and motioned for her to join me on the floor. Her desk wasn't big enough for the both of us, but she sat there anyway.

"Go to the homework page, start a question and let me see where you get." I commanded. The best way for me to help is to see where she struggles.


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