Losing Love and Life In One.

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Sitting in my quiet house, it gets so lonely. I sit here in this make shift bedroom studio thinking about my family. Thinking about the past. Thinking about the good times I use to have with Zack, my brother. The fun times I use to have with just sitting around for family night.


"Zack!!!" I squeal while laughing. "Stoooooop!!" Zack has a tendency to tickle me when he is bored.

"Come on Phia, you're going to be late for the bus to camp." My brothers nickname for me never got old.

I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Okay, okay!" I squeak as he goes for another round of tickles. I swat his hands away jumping out of bed. "I'm up you butthead!" I tell him as I head to the shower.

My brother chuckled and lays down on my queen sized bed. "I'll be waiting for you to get out so I can take you to the greyhound."

I nod and continue towards the shower to take a really cool shower. I love my brother. He's the best. My brother is nineteen making him four years older than me. Surprisingly enough he did everything for me. Most brothers would torture their sisters, or be extremely mean to them. Zack, he's nice. He spoils me.

Mom and dad were probably at work or something today. Mom is a psychiatrist and Dad is a Pediatric Surgeon. I believe he is. Today I'll be on my way to Camp Willow. I've gone every year since I turned nine. Same time; first Sunday of July. I had just turned 15 and I'll be starting my sophomore year next year. I couldn't wait, but Camp Willow was suppose to be ten times better now that I can go to the high school section.

Last year they wouldn't let me because my birthday was to late in the year. This year though, I'm ecstatic.

Cleaning myself, and dressing, I rushed through doing my hair, simple pigtails, and walked out of the bathroom stall. All my bags were packed last night. Mom and I stayed up packing what she thought I would need until two in the morning.

The clock hit 10:30 indicating I had two hours until the bus would be leaving.

"Zacky, I'm ready now." I say going over to my bed and poking him in his side.

"Alright," he groans sitting up. "I'll put your bags in the car, what's for breakfast? IHOP, or Rainbows Cafe?" My mouth started salivating when he said Rainbows.

When I was younger I went there and had a banana pancake with strawberries and whip cream. Ever since i've been almost hooked. Their pancakes are slightly better than IHOP's and I was suddenly craving them.

"RAINBOWS!!!!" I squealed as I jumped on his back. Zack bent down to pick up the bags with me still on his back. I was so glad he was an athlete.

He walked down the stairs with me and we stuffed the suitcases in the bed of his Toyota tundra. I liked his truck. It was spacious for having two doors and a small bed. We hopped in the car and drive our way towards Rainbows.

When we got there I saw mom and dad. How'd they know we were coming here? I guess it was pretty obvious. This is right across from the greyhound station and I always get this before I leave.

Sitting down with my mom and dad I hugged them both and kissed them on the cheek.

Dad gave me a present and I was shocked, to say the least. "Something to remember us by while you're in the teen house!" My mom squealed. She was clearly happy about this as much as I was.

I yelped and grabbed the bag opening it as soon as I could. I saw the shiny metal and grabbed it jumping up and down.

"A new phone!! Thank you thank you thank you!" I screamed. I hugged my mom and dad again.

"Your brother picked out the case and headphones for you, and put music on it with some pictures from our computer and yours." My dad mentioned.

I looked at Zack "When did you have time to go through my music and pictures?"

"While you were at Angie's house I downloaded the pictures and music." I stood up and hugged my brother.

"Thank you guys so much. I love you guys, and the phone."

My very own iPhone. Yeah, buddy.


Leaving my family was the hardest thing to do, but I couldn't wait to get back home. Today I finally come home from camp. School starts in three weeks and I am honestly excited to go school shopping again with mom, or Zack and his girlfriend. Zack's girlfriend, Tina and I have gotten along very well. A lot more than I expected. She wants to go and get our hair done when I land. She's a college girl. Which I think is cool because my brother is going to the same college.

As I got off the bus I saw the Officer Templeton. We locked eyes and his face changed to sadness and distress. I looked at him waiting for my parents to come.

"You okay Officer Templeton?" I asked, being nice.

He nods and kneels down to my level, "Sophie, your parents and Zack... They were in a car accident." my breath gets stuck in my throat as what he says dawns on me slowly. My parents.... In a car accident... What!?

"What!? When!? How!? I just talked to them last night they were fine!!" I cried.

Officer Templeton tried to sooth me by rubbing my arms. Don't worry hon, we can go see them right now. I'll tell you on the way to the hospital."

"Are they okay, Officer?"

His face falls even more and I know what he's going to say. Tears swell up in my eyes and I fall to the ground crying.

That was the day my life spiraled for the worst.


Okay so there is the next chapter. Thanks for reading. After this, I'm not sure where this story is going to go. Sophie keeps telling me to write more about her tutoring sessions instead of her life, but I enjoy writing about her life.

What do you guys think?

Also, I know most of you guys enjoy the sex scenes, sorry but I WANTED to throw in Sophie's life just so you guys know what happened to her.




Don't have to love it,

hell you can even hate it,

I don't Care,

Just let me know your opinions!!!!

Thanks you guys!!!!

Mangos are delish dontcha think?


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