Mistakes Become Memories & You Become A Stranger

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It's extremely scary hearing someone tell you they love you. I didn't really have a response to Trevor. So, I did what guys normally do in reversed position. I walked away. Trevor hasn't talked to me since that day.

Today is Friday before fall break. I've decided to take fall break and think about what happened with Trevor. Diana is suppose to come over today and we're going to have a girls day. Whatever the hell that means to her.

Diana is a really cool girl. She's intelligent but not quite a nerd. She use to ask me to tutor her last year. I wonder how she would feel about my new tutoring sessions...? Hell I wonder how I feel about my new tutoring sessions. Besides she's a girl... I don't know if I could sleep with a girl. Maybe I could talk to her about it.

There is an assembly today where the student counsel kids set up a meeting for all the students and we discuss what's going on in the school along with having competitions. I enjoy the assemblies; they bring me laughter.

Golden Grannies. Oh my freaking god I love them. They are a group of grannies that dance to hip hop music. They literally had me rolling all over my classmates. I recorded a video of them and I kept watching it all day long.


Diana was following me back to my studio and I was contemplating on if I should tell her or not. Deciding on holding off for a while I arrived at my apartment along with Diana. We walked under the bridge and towards my apartment. I don't understand why I'm nervous.

Diana was one of the cool Jocks who didn't give a shit what people thought of her. I mentally applauded her. She made me feel welcomed when I first got here. She's a junior too, like me. She has blond hair and green eyes. Her and I usually hang out when we can. We aren't BEST friends. But we're pretty close. Of course it also helps that she lives across from me. Well, across the pool in front of me. I call her when I need some entertainment on a boring day, and she usually comes too.

Opening the door I headed straight towards the kitchen, grabbed two sodas and plopped down on the love seat next to Diana as she flipped through the channels.

"So," she said casually, "what's new with you? You have a glow to you I never saw before." She looked at me and back towards the TV still flipping channels.

I sighed and decided to just tell the truth. "I had sex."

She gasped, looking at me. "How was it? With who? Did it hurt? Did he ask you out?" She asked way to many question I couldn't answer.

"It was amazing... Actually beyond amazing. I can't describe it. It hurt the first two times we did it. No we're not going out. But he did say he loved me...and I walked away." I whispered the last of it to her. She honestly didn't need to know this information but I couldn't NOT tell her. She's my other half.

She stared at me looking flabbergasted.

We sat still not knowing what to say to each other. I could feel her eyes on me. I was to much of a coward to look at her. When I finally gained the courage, I looked at her and she had a smile on her face. I looked at her confused. She chuckled and I looked at her even more confused.

"You're so cute when you're nervous, hon. I don't care about that, you know that, right?" My eyes pretty much bulged out of my sockets. While I tried to compose myself, I could feel the heat rushing to my face and I knew in a matter of seconds my face would be red. Her hand wrapped around my cheek and I knew she could see my redness. "You don't need to be nervous around me Sophie." she whispered so softly it vibrated through me.

I nodded and looked away just for her to pull my face back to hers. She leaned forward and kissed me making my mind leave my body. I watched overhead and saw myself react instantly to her kiss. Pulling myself back together I felt lightheaded being next to her with my arms wrapped around her. I pulled her closer to me and slowly laid down on the couch as a wave surged through me.

Diana's body started to grind into me and I moaned into her kiss. I couldn't believe I was kissing one of my very best friends. It was unbelievably real and felt amazing. I didn't understand how I could like girls and guys. Then I remembered, duh, bisexual. Being with Diana is bringing me almost the same pleasure as being with Trevor.

Diana kissed down my neck and I breathed in the air she took away from me. God why am I like this all of the sudden? I didn't have an answer. But one thing was for sure.

Today is going to be a slightly different type of Tutoring Session.


Well here is another chapter. I don't like this one so much. Next one isn't going to have much in it, but it'll be something!

Please let me know if you're reading!

Comment with a ":)" just so I know I'm not doing this for nothing. :D


Also, tell your friends about this book. :) there won't be anymore lesbian scenes. Sorry! I want this to be a strictly guy and girl romance.




Don't have to love it,

hell you can even hate it,

I don't Care,

Just let me know your opinions!!!!

Thanks you guys!!!!

Cherrys and Pineapples!!!


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