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Sharp nail's were digging into his skin, Luke thought that it was more annoying than painful, wondering if blood was being drawn. Looking down at the brunette haired beauty beside him, he forced a sweet smile to make its way to his face.

"Why are you holding onto me with such a death grip, sweet?" he asked.

Adelaide's eyes moved around the place from left to right, never settling on just one place or one person. Unknowingly, Luke watched her, waiting for her to reply but the question fell on deaf ears as the music was being played at a very high volume.

Settling to look at Luke, she looked up and asked, "Where are we?"

Crowds of people surrounded a space in the middle, circling around as if the middle wasn't supposed to be occupied.

Luke tugged Adelaide closer to him.  "You'll see in a while," he said.

The people chattered to their hearts content, Adelaide could feel eyes looking at her and Luke. She looked down, a frown on her face and clutched Luke's arm even tighter.

"They're looking at us," she muttered.

"Don't mind them, see those two blonde ones over there," Luke said, his eyes following over to the direction of the two girls who had hair almost identically to one another, they looked older than Adelaide. Muttering to themselves their eyes glanced towards them.

"Those are Ruffa's chicks, probably wondering why i'm here."

Following his gaze, Adelaide spotted the two girls, both their eyebrows were scrunched up, one even had the decency to glare at her. She looked away.

"Why are they wondering why you're here?"

"Because sweet, I don't usually come here." Luke replied, winking at the two ladies then proceeding to grab onto Adelaide's arm as he dragged her even closer to the circle's front.

"What is this place, Luke?" she asked but before he could reply, a deep voice shouted over to them, one loud enough that other people turned heads to look at the owner of the voice, Adelaide being one of them.


"Ah, Ruffa it's been a long time." The man was big, in a sense that muscles ripped out from his chest onto his biceps and he was much, much taller than Luke, who was already about 6 inches taller than her.

"You still owe me and might I say, you haven't been around these parts-"

"I have a preposition for you," Luke's voice got deeper, harsher and  had this look on his face that made you stop what you're saying and bow your head.

This muscle guy took a swift glance at Adelaide, a small smile made its way to his face as he looked back at Luke.

"She'd do fine if you don't want to pay cash, in fact-" He took a step forward, his hands reaching out to touch her hair, "She'd be perf-"

"You fucking touch her, even the strand of her hair and I'll make sure you end up dead," Luke stated, his arm grabbing onto Adelaide's, pushing her behind him.

Dropping his hand that was making its way to her, he backed off, taking a step backward and said, "Woah there, Valentine. I was just joking."

"Where's Sav?" Luke asked.

"Getting ready. Don't tell me, that prick has my money."

"That prick is going to win today and you'll get your money's worth." Luke gave Ruffa another deadly stare and started moving, one hand dragging Adelaide with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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