Chapter 3: Chocolate Meet

Start from the beginning

Our house maid was so friendly. Her name was Oh SooMi but we called her Mamashita/Mamacita. Why? Because she liked an idol band called SuperJunior and her bias was the leader, Lee Teuk. Hahaha. She was older than my dad like 4 years. She loved to sing SuperJunior's Mamacita when she was washing clothes and dishes and in the toilet?.

Mamacita: Oh, Chorong-sshi

Me: Calling me with that formal again?..

She used to call me Chorong-sshi but only when there was my parents around because I'm not comfortable with it. It made me feel like an old woman.

Mamacita: Sorry, Chorong-ah

She smiled and I smiled at her back.

Seunghee: Unniieeee...

Seunghee said as she waved her small cute hand to me. I waved my hand back to her.

Me: Hello dongsaeng.. Are you having fun?

Seunghee: Um!

She nodded with her eyes close. She truly having fun with the housemaid.

Mamacita: What brings you here? Do you wanna go somewhere?

Me: How do you know?

Mamacita: I can tell it by looking at your outfit.

Me: O-oh, ne[yes], haha.

Mamacita: Eodiga?[where are you going?]

Me: To a supermarket.

Mamacita: What do you want to buy?

Me: It's a secret.

I smirked.

Mamacita: Arasseo[okay]. Don't forget to buy Seunghee's milk powder.

Me: Whatt? Do I have to?

I pouted but I stopped her as soon as the maid opened her mouth to speak.

Me: Yes, yes. I understand..

The maid sighed in relief. I slowly closed the door. I took my black handbag and wore my shoes. I walked straight to the left road where the supermarket was. I hummed Vixx's Memory as I walked along the houses.


I finally arrived and welcomed with Infinite's Real Story. There were just a few people inside the supermarket. I took out the list to buy from my handbag then I grabbed the green basket and wandered around the supermarket while I searched the things that I should buy from the list. I decided to go to the milk for babies section after I got all the groceries, meats and a chocolate.

I went to the groceries and meats section first. It was cold being close to the opened refrigerator so I stepped a little back from it. Then I went to the chocolates section. Woahh, yummy. It was hard to pick even one chocolate because every one of them tastes very delicious and sweet but my hand ended up taking the 'Toblerone' chocolate. Hmph, bye bye chingus.

After I got all the groceries, meats and a chocolate, as decided, I went to the milk for babies section. This is actually embarrassing but I must sacrifice myself for my little sister. Or else her cute smile will disappear from her small cushy face. I searched for her milk powder. My eyes stopped at a can of milk powder called 'Dugro'. Yes, this is it. I snatched it and put it inside the shopping basket.

After I got all the things in the list, I quickly went to the cashier, placed the heavy basket on the table and waited for the cashier to pack the things in the basket into a shopping plastic bag. I captured a glimpse at my watch showing 10.20 am. Whoops, it's late already. I must cook before mom and dad arrive this afternoon.

I stared at the maybe-has-the-same-old-as-me-cashier in front of me. She looks beautiful. I looked at her name badge, Son Naeun. What a beautiful name too. The way she packed the things into the plastic bag was so slow and flawless. Is she a new worker?

Me: Erm, sorry but please, can you make it quick? I don't have much time.

I finally have courage to begged her to make it quick.

Cashier Girl: Oh really? I'm so sorry. I'm actually new here...

Ouch, I shouldn't have beg her.

Me: Oh.. no no, that's okay.

The cashier girl smiled at me shyly by fixing her hair. She looks so friendly.. She handed the shopping plastic bag to me.

Me: Thanks.. Urmm how much?

Cashier Girl: Ah Mianhae I forgot.

Then I gave her the money and.. my chocolate.

Me: You should practice a little more, chingu [friend]. Goodluck!

Cashier Girl: Ne?! [What?] Changkamannyo!.. [wait!]

I was trying to run to the exit but this shopping bag was so heavy and made me walk unstable to the exit.


Suddenly I bumped to a guy and landed my butt on the ground with my shopping bags.

The guy: Hey! Watch where you're going! Aish are you blind?

I didn't look and acted that shock or mad at him after I heard that he harshly saying that I was blind because my butt was even more precious to care about.

Me: Owww.. it hurts

He sounded very surprised after I said that I was in pain and he was still in front of me, frozed, trying to deny something. I rubbed my butt to decrease the pain.

But suddenly he said something that confused me...

The guy: C-chorong? Is that really you?

I looked up and flinched when I saw a guy all wearing black and a thought that he was a kidnapper or a robber in my mind scared me to death.

But the question is how did he know my name? He seems surprised.. Did I know him too?


SORRY if its too short☺

Who do you think he is? Her stalker? Her cousin? Her childhood friend? Her friend from middle school?
Stay tuned.❤

SORRY for not was about approximately 3 months since I last upadated..

SORRY again.

There's so many works to do at school. I have 2 exams left for tomorrow.. Yeaayy! Finally I NEED FREEDOM VM! Wish me luck for tomorrow ^.^

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