Chapter 16

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Hey guys the quiz will be up soon please follow me on Facebook. The first chapter to Wrath of a Fury will be up shortly so please tell me what you think. -Izzy


As those words left his daughter’s lips Harry got up from his seat pulling on his coat in a hurry and grabbing his keys.

“Dad is something wrong,” Seth’s innocent voice asked not realizing the severity of the situation.

“Your father has to uh go get something from Charlie,” Sue said quickly not wanting to alarm her children.

“Okaay,” Seth replied not seeming sure in himself. Harry shut the door quickly making his way to his car and starting it. He sighed knowing where he had to go; even though he vehemently didn’t want to. It took Harry exactly seven minutes to get to the Cullen’s home. Anxiously Harry knocked on the door after exiting his car.

“Hello,” Alice asked opening the door. Harry pushed passed her into the house.

“Carlisle,” Harry called attracting the attention of everyone in the house. Before he could blink he had the whole coven, except one, in front of him. “Before you speak I need to know one thing,” Harry said interrupting Carlisle before he spoke, “Is Hazel here?” Carlisle’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“Is this a joke,” Rosalie spat, “Because it’s not fucking funny dog!”

“No it’s not a joke. Leah, my daughter, said that she left in a hurry this morning and hasn’t been back since.”

“No she’s not here Harry,” Carlisle’s voice came out as a whisper. Harry’s heart dropped and he felt like he was going to throw up. Jasper gasped getting hit with Harry’s dread full force. He hunched over clutching the area of his shirt over his heart.

“Do you have her number,” Harry asked desperation evident in his voice. Carlisle handed over his phone to him with the number already being called. Anxiously Harry listened to the phone ring hoping it wouldn’t go to dial tone.

“Hello,” it was a male voice.

“Who is this,” Harry demanded.

“This is Vincent who is this,” He was toying with them. In the back ground there was a loud mmmphf mmmm mmmphfm sound followed by a slap.


“I don’t remember hearing about a Harry,” Vincent’s teasing voice turned serious, “Did you think you could turn into a whore while I was gone Hazel?” a tearing sound was heard but no cries of pain followed.

“Answer him bitch,” another voice, unfamiliar to Harry, said.

“The only bitch here,” Hazel’s breath came out in short pants, “Is you.” A grunt of pain from her followed.

“How many times did you have to bend over for him,” Hazel sarcastically continued. A few seconds later she screamed.

“What are you doing to her,” Harry shouted.

“I was just doing an experiment,” Vincent replied in mock innocence.

“Experiment,” Alice asked.

“Yes,” Vincent said hearing her, “To see how far I could bend her arm before it breaks.”

“When I find you I’m going to show you how far your arms will bend before they break off Ass fucker,” Rosalie growled.

“That’s if you find me sweet heart,” he chuckled sadistically, “Hopefully it’s before I revert back to my....old ways.” With that he hung up. Harry shoved Carlisle’s phone back into his hand before turning to leave.

“Where are you going,” Emmett asked.

“To tell Charlie and Billy what’s going on.” Harry left faster than he had when he was coming to the Cullen house.

~Hazel’s Point of View~

Sweat rolled down my face as I panted. My left arm was bent at an angle only a skilled contortionist could accomplish. I had a growing bruise on my stomach that added to the mysterious pain coming from my pelvis. My shirt was bloodied and ripped open exposing my front. They had cut off my shorts leaving me in my panties.

“My my my,” Vincent circled me, “You’re causing quite a mess for me, Hazel. Maybe you aren’t worth the trouble. I should probably just...get rid of you.” My blood ran cold as I took in the severity of his words. Get rid of me...after all he puts me through he won’t even let me live. I forced my bruised eyes open to look at him.

“Please,” I choked out through my dry mouth and burning throat.

“Please what,” He pretended not to hear me.

“P-please don’t.” Hot tears slid down my cheeks as I sniffled, “Please don’t kill me.” My cries made him laugh. I could see the joy light up his face in a murderous way.

“Don’t worry doll. I still have some use for you,” he smirked before chuckling darkly. He had Joshua lower me so that my feet were flat against the ground. “I think it’s time we make use of this bed.”

“No,” my eyes widened in horror, “No!” Joshua started dragging me toward the bed. Defiantly I kicked and screamed loudly before biting him. My jaws clamped tightly onto his hand not letting him go. It was his turn to scream. He repeatedly slammed his fist into my head hoping that would get me to let go. A chunk of his skin came off when I was thrown back by Vincent. That was when the worst possible thing could have happened to me; my body shut down. It was too tired to continue. The strain on my muscles from the restraints rendered me useless. There was no way for me to escape anymore. I felt like I was having an out of body experience. I watched as Vincent dragged me by my ankles to the bed. With Joshua’s help he got me on the bed.

“Let’s have some fun,” Vincent whispered in my ear. Tears ran down my cheeks on to the mattress as I turned to face the wall not wanting to watch him violate me. My eyes glazed over as the mattress started to squeak from the force of Vincent pushing into me. Closing my eyes I found my happy place.

~Third Person Point of View~

“What can I do for you Harry,” Charlie asked as he answered the door.

“I need to report a kidnapping,” Harry sighed.

“Come in,” Charlie said moving out of the way so Harry could get inside. Harry walked inside and sat at the kitchen table. He put his head in his hands holding back tears. Charlie put his hand on his friend’s shoulder not knowing what to do.

“Why don’t you tell me what happened,” Charlie said breaking the silence. Harry sighed before starting to explain everything; from the notes to the shooting and everything in between. As Harry got closer to more recent events he became more frantic.

“Do you know where she was taken from,” Charlie asked.

“I think it was at her house. But I’m not sure.” Charlie nodded before looking at the clock on the wall; 9:47.

“First thing in the morning I’ll check it out,” Charlie said trying to reassure him.

“Tomorrow might be too late Charlie.”

“You don’t know that for sure.”

“You don’t either,” Harry snapped.

~Hazel’s Point of View~

My body shook with exhaustion. It had been two hours since they both took turns using me. I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more, I was coughing up blood because my throat was raw, and my body wasn’t responding to me. I had completely shut down. I felt like I was being stabbed with needle over and over. The tears that I had been crying had long since stopped. Someone grabbed my wrists causing me to involuntarily flinch. They chuckled at me before starting to move. I hit the ground hard as they started dragging me away. 

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