Chapter 5

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With a smile I nervously began to speak, “Good Morning everyone as stated before I am Hazel Green; but please don’t feel the need to treat me any different because I’m really not. I’m just here to help out in whatever way I can...are there any questions?” Most of the classes hands shot up; some waving their hands enthusiastically.

“Yes you,” I pointed to the girl who had spoken before, “ummm?”

“Jessica Stanley,” she smiled brightly.

“Yes Jessica,” I asked my nerves calming down.

“Why did you move here? I mean I would love to move away from here to somewhere like New York.” People in the class nodded in agreement obviously thinking I was crazy.

“Well Jessica it was had to come up with designs and inspiration for them. The city is loud and at times it gets overbearing. Plus Forks has beautiful scenery.” She nodded satisfied with my answer. Another girl raised her hand. She was a typical prep; dyed blonde hair, short skirt, heels on, and a shirt she thought matched but really didn’t.

“Yes,” I asked her.

“I was reading Miguel Gregor’s new blog post,” her annoying nasally voice started, “And he said that you’re leaving the fashion business; is that true?” The way that she said the question was in a condescending tone; like she knew she was right and was just airing my dirty laundry.

“Of course not,” I stated after a few moments; my voice overly sweet, “If I stopped making my clothes how else would people like you know how to dress?” Mr.Prat choked on his coffee while most of the class tried to stifle their laughs. Though Emmett’s booming laughter was heard and Jasper was covering his face as he silently shook with laughter; making me smile. The girl, whose name I’d failed to catch, looked down in embarrassment.

“I think that’s enough questions for Miss Green,” Mr. Prat jumped in. I nodded going to sit at a table in the back of the room.

“Today class I would like you to pick an era in United States history where you found the most beauty. Now the beauty could be anything; nature, fashion, industry, patriotism, etiquette. Then at the end of the week I want you to present them. You may use any materials you want. Paint, colored pencils, chalk, markers, crayons, etc.” With that Mr. Prat sat back down signaling that he was finished speaking. The students dispersed; some forming little social groups, some getting supplies, and some sitting alone thinking. I, too, pulled out a sketchpad and started to sketch the 20s. I had always loved the men’s fashion and the mobs. Fedoras were probably my favorite thing. They gave a man an aura of mystery. Deep in my work I didn’t notice the overly large boy in front of me. He cleared his throat causing me to look up, “Yes Emmett?”

“I don’t know what would be best for my drawing,” he confided.

“What’s your idea?”

“Log cabin surrounded by big trees.”

“What’s your era,” I asked curiously with a soft smile.

“1930s.” Thinking I envisioned all the possibilities, “Use colored pencil but use light strokes to give it touches of color, don’t overwhelm it or you’ll lose the message.” A child-like smile came to his face as he nodded going back to his seat next to Jasper. I surveyed the class to see if anyone else needed help. Jessica had her hand raised.

“Yes Jessica,” I asked bending over to her height.

“Does this look okay,” she asked showing me her sketch. It was the 21st century. It was obvious to me that she didn’t really think about this assignment deeply.

Not Like The Movies (Carlisle Love Story)(Watty Awards 2013)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant