Drabble #17 - "Are you wearing my shirt?"

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"I know," he sighs. There's a moment of silence before he continues. "And you'll be there."

"Cheering for you, as promised," she smiles.

"And looking hot on my jersey."

"Don't I always, though?"

"Look hot while wearing my jersey? I wouldn't know, I don't appreciate it that often," he jokes.

"Oh, but you do." Too often. They've been dating in secret for almost a month and she's grown more and more fond of that jersey. Stiles doesn't let her forget it. "I'll meet you on the field in a bit, alright?"

"I can't wait," he confesses, because today is the day they tell everyone that they're dating. He's been waiting for this for so long that he still can't believe it. "Love you."

Lydia never thought such words could come out of her so naturally and mean so damn much. "Love you too."


The looks she gets as soon as she gets out of her car and makes her way to the lacrosse field unnerve her, but soon the feeling dissipates when Stiles ditches Coach as soon as he lays eyes on her, and runs the distance between them to greet her before the game begins.

Scott watches the scene unfold in confusion, not understanding where the hell Stiles just went and it's Liam who holds his jaw and makes sure that Scott doesn't stay frozen on the spot when Stiles greets Lydia with a kiss on the lips like if it's the most natural thing in the world, more so when she doesn't want to let go of him.

Both werewolves are propelled to follow their friend to find out what is going on, Kira joining them soon enough when she realizes that the pack is on the move even if she doesn't know why. She's the first to let out a little squeal when they meet the couple and realizes that they're together.

"Hi, guys," Lydia greets abashed, cheeks completely rosy and one of her arms loosely around Stiles' waist.

"You're dating?!" Scott asks, surprised. "Dude, why didn't you say anything?"

"We just..." Stiles looks down at Lydia adoringly, then back at his best friend. "We just wanted to make sure that this was gonna work first."

"I'm so happy for you," Kira exclaims, nudging her boyfriend on the shoulder for him to show more of a reaction.

Liam agrees before Scott does. "Yeah. It's been a long time coming, right?"

Stiles dismisses it playfully. "Eh, ten years, give or take. What's that in the grander scheme of things?"

Lydia kisses his cheek. Stiles pecks her lips in return.

"I know we've been waiting for this for ages but..." Scott gestures between both his best friends, looking awestruck. "But you two, together... I-"

"Awww I think Scotty is in shock," Stiles chuckles, but before he can continue mocking his best friend there's a whistle soaring in the distance. "Come on, buddy. We have to go, we have a game to win."

Scott eyes the human and the banshee curiously before starting to walking back to the field with Kira and Liam, all three of them glancing back several times to watch the couple.

Lydia laughs freely. "We should have prepared him for this."

Stiles pulls her closer by the waist, not caring that a lot of their classmates are watching them interestedly, already gossiping about it. "He didn't even see your shirt yet. He's gonna flip when he finds out you have my name on your back. It's just... It's been something we've dreamt of for a while, you know?"

She kisses him slowly, pulling him down so that she doesn't have to be on her tiptoes even though she's in heels. "I know," she murmurs. There's another whistle, this time more persistent, and Lydia is sure that it's because Stiles is not on the field yet. "Go on. Go win the game," she smiles.

He doesn't really care about Coach right now. "Will I get lucky tonight if I win?" he asks deviously, wiggling his eyebrows with an endearing smirk.

Lydia whispers in his ear before kissing him again, just a peck this time. "You'll get lucky either way," she beams. "Now go. I'll be right there," she tells him, pointing to the bleachers.

He checks her out from head to toe before leaving, appreciating her form in a small white skirt and his jersey, almost looking like a cheerleader and he's dating her. He can't understand how he got so lucky. "You look super hot, by the way," Stiles murmurs, kissing her cheek and then starting running to meet Coach before the man decides that Stiles doesn't get to play tonight as punishment.

He only stops halfway when Lydia calls for him, looking over his shoulder to find his girlfriend facing away from him but looking at him over her shoulder as well, the Stilinski 24 engraved on the back of her jersey giving him the boost of confidence he needed. The way she screams his name and full on cheers for him throughout the match has a lot to do, Stiles is sure, with the way he keeps scoring, and because of that it's not that much of a surprise that the Cyclones end up winning the last lacrosse game Stiles will ever play.

It's a good night, he admits, because then the pack goes out for a little bit and has fun together like they haven't had in a while and it's good. Better only when Lydia drives him home and ends up staying with him for the night and Stiles gets to admire the view properly, Lydia proudly wearing a shirt that has his name on the back and she looks so comfortable and happy and just herself that Stiles just wants to kiss her senseless.

He does, and soon enough the jersey ends up on his bedroom floor but he doesn't mind much. When she leaves in the morning, it's his name she takes with her as she goes.

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