A large crash coming from the kitchen caused Abby to yelp.

"He's angry. He doesn't want me here. He doesn't want you here either," Geneva said.

"He who? Who's here?" Abby cried.

"The evil one."

"Bryce? Or Lionel?" Abby shivered before Alex came up behind her and placed his arms around her, kissing her temple.

Geneva opened her eyes and touched Abby's cheek. "You're frightened because of your past. Don't be. There are no spirits named Bryce around you."

"There isn't?"


"Then who is the evil spirit?"

Geneva closed her eyes as the rain became heavier. "It's the father of the man you care for."

"I don't--"

"Abby," Alex whispered in her ear. "It's okay. It's okay to admit you like me. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Trust him," Geneva instructed. "You've been through too much in the past not to."

"So, it is Lionel?" Wally interjected. "Our father?"

"Yes," Geneva whispered. "He's the evil spirit."

As she spoke the words a loud crackle of thunder filled the air.

As she spoke the words a loud crackle of thunder filled the air

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It was starting to sprinkle. Felicia stopped at Caldwell's grocery store, her eyes spotting the sheriff's car parked out front. She turned to Maggie and said, "I'll be a few minutes. I'd say not to go anywhere, but I know that's impossible." She pulled on the handcuffs that were attached to the car and Maggie's wrist before exiting her car.

She scanned the patrons of the grocery store until she spotted the person she wanted to see most. "Excuse me, do you go by the name Maria?"

"Yes, do I know you?"

"Maria, who is this?" Chuck asked.

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to Maria," Felecia said, not bothering to glance at the man named Chuck. "It's official business."

"I'm her husband," Chuck said, puffing his chest out.

"And this isn't the 1500s where women need men to speak on their behalf. Back up while I talk to her alone."

"What's this about?" Maria whispered. "Is this about those comments I wrote online about those Kardashian girls? I was just joking!"

"No. I'm here because you're a friend of Abby's."

"She is?" Chuck asked.

"I am." Maria nodded. "Is something wrong with Abby?"

"I was just wondering if she had invited you to her séance."

"Séance?" Chuck asked loudly. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Felicia rolled her eyes. They were all playing into her hands perfectly.

Zachary and Don turned to the group, taking a few steps closer.

Spotting Zachary and Don, Felicia raised her voice. "A medium was hired to find out what really happened the night Crystal Caldwell was murdered. I'm surprised you weren't told."

"That's crazy!" Chuck pulled out his cell phone. "I've got to tell Wally. He's my best friend and if anyone needs to know what happened that night, it's him."

"Wally knows." Felicia smiled. "He's there too."

"Wally is with those two outsiders and they brought a medium to the cabin?" Don asked loudly. "To my crime scene? I'm going to arrest all of them!"

"Don!" Zachary called after his brother, who was rushing to his patrol car.

"I hope Wally doesn't get into any trouble. I told him to stay away from that Alex Carter. Nothing but bad news," Chuck muttered.

"Excuse me, but I would appreciate it if you didn't disparage my boss," Felicia said. "The Carters are good people."

"Lionel Carter wasn't," Chuck replied.

"No, but there are always exceptions." Felicia stole a glance at Zachary who was murmuring to himself. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Zachary glanced at Chuck, "Chuck, can you give me a ride to the cabin. I'm afraid of what Don will do when he gets there."

"What are you afraid of?" Maria asked. "He's the sheriff."

"I'm afraid there might be a repeat of what happened twenty-five years ago."

Felicia waited a few minutes before entering her heavily tinted vehicle.

She turned to Maggie. "I do believe we'll leave now that we've given them a head start. This should be an exciting night, don't you think?"

 This should be an exciting night, don't you think?"

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