"But you don't know what's going on in my class." Joy mentioned.

"I will once I see those notes and if I don't see those notes, then I'm gonna have to make my way to your school." She grinned and then winked at Joy. "And don't try me because I make many trips to my son's school, and my nieces and nephews. They all learned valuable lessons."

It was the  moment for Joy to leave so she left the office and waited near the receptionist's desk near the elevator.

"She's something." She commented.

"She's a working progress." Derrick responded. "But we're working on her."

"Keep on sending her to me, I'll get her straight." Pat pressed her lips together and stacked some papers, neatly on her desk. "But I understand. I had to go through it with My oldest." She rolled her eyes.

"I always wondered what it was like dealing with a teenager and she's been showing me." Derrick said.

"So when are you and your wife gonna have a baby."

He smirked a little. "Don't think a baby is in our future." He answered.

"What? Why not?"

"I just enjoy her. She has children and I love them, but a baby is something we never discuss. Besides, we're fine without one." He answered.

"That's good then. I can't argue with that." She put her hands up.

Speaking of his wife, made Derrick miss her. He was too happy of a man being with Angel.

When he left out of Pat's office, he spotted Joy standing by herself near the receptionist's desk. He made a quick run to his office and then came back out so that he could leave and take Joy home and go home to his wife.

After taking Joy home, he made it home, safe and sound. Walking in, his wife was on the phone in the living room with Zach sitting next to her watching tv.

"Hey, love." He kissed her cheek sitting on the other side of her. "Wassup, lil dude!" He reached over Angel and rubbed Zach's head

"Okay, girl, I'll call you later." She ended the call.

"Who was that?" Derrick asked.

"Your sister." She answered.

"How is she?" He asked, getting relaxed.

"She's fine I think." Angel said. "At least that's what she tells me. I have a feeling something is wrong, but maybe it's just this whole Sean thing."

He sighed and shook his head. "Fuck boy." He mumbled.

Angel gave him a look because they don't talk like that around Zach. "All we can do is be there for her whenever she needs us."

"She doesn't deserve that though. It shouldn't be like that for her."

"You're right, but we all go through things in life. She won't be going through this forever. I'm gonna go stop by and go see her tomorrow." She said.

"I guess." He rested his head on her shoulder.

"How was Joy's first day of work?" she let out a giggle.

"I let her spend the day with Pat."

"Patrol Pat?" Angel joked.

He laughed, "Yea."

The RobinsonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora