Chapter 14

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*couple of days later its a Saturday *

I have to go back to school soon and i dont want to. I would have to face Hayes and his group. Not looking foward to that. Luckily i have another week left. Right now my life is whatever. Marina is my bestfriend. Cant be thankful enough. Shawn is also like my best friend. And kenny well we havent really hung out with him in awhile. My brother is still in Nee York. My mom well i found out she just left me. Awsome. Right? I cant believe her. The only people i have left is Marina, and Shawn. I cant loose any of them.

*skips to Monday*

I wake up and just something came over me. I couldnt breath. I was getging dizzy. I sat up and just took deep breaths. I got up and looked for my anxiety pills. I took 2 of them. It worked. That means i have my anxiety back again. Its 8 am. Great awake early. I go take a shower and get dress i put on my yoga pants with a white track shirt. And i put my hair in a messy ponytail. Im not going running today. I just dont have a reason to dress nice. Throught out the day i just eat and watch movies. Today was basically a lazy day. Around 5 there was a knock at my door. I opened it and Marina just came walking in. Okay?..

"Get ready loser were going eating." She says coping mean girls a little bit.

"Ahh okay hold on." I whine

I go and get ready and put black pants on and a white plain tshirt with a turquoise inifinty scarf since it was pretty cold outside. I topped that off with my heart earings and i uncover my heart necklace that hayes gave me when we went to my cousins wedding. I always hid it undernearh my shirts. I never took it off. Even when he would hurt me. I kept it on forever. He doesn't know i still wear or it even have it. I put on my black knee length boots. I kept my hair the same. I went downstairs and she whistled at me..

Oh my goodness. I love her. I laughed at her and we left into her amazing white jeep. Wierd that we both have jeeps. We go and eat at Olive Garden. When we finished we went to Universal city walk. Around 730 we went to Starbucks and ordered a vanilla bean frappe with java chips. We go the same thing. We paid and went tongo sit outside. It was really cold and windy. We talked and laugh. I always laugh with her. She is just so funny. Im glad i can call her MY best friend. I hope i never loose her.

I get a phone call and i answer it. They started talking and said..

"Hello, is this Alison Hernandez?" Somebody asked

"Um yes who is this?" I say confused

"This Charlotte Hospital. And we called to inform you that Daniel Hernandez has been in a terrible car accident and he didnt make it. Im so sorry."

"Omg okay. Thank you for calling" i say on the urge of bursting out into tears

"Have a nice day ma'am." He said softly

Marina asked who was that and i told her everything. She said the usual. Im so sorry. He will be missed and he is in a better place. He is watching over you. I thank her and tell her i have to get home. She says okay and we walk to her car. She drops me off and tells me if i ever need anything to text her. I thank her and she leaves. I get a text from Shawn but it wasnt for me..

From Shawn♡

Olivia. I love you. And only you. Your the only girl i ever loved. I never loved Ali. She is a nobody.

To Shawn♡

Hey not Olivia and loose my number because im a nobody.

Great. I started getting my anxiety attacks and i loose the two most important people in my life. Can life get any worser. All i have now is Marina.

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