A Pancham for Your Thoughts?

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Me: *Watches video*

tributesofthegods: "If you look into my soul, all you will see is yaoi and death... : { ) << It's a smiley mustachio."

Me:"...I second that...Now, for those of you who read Red x Green and/or L x Light or anything else I haven't updated recently, I have not forgotten you. In case you haven't noticed, I just update really irregularly. Because, just like you, I can get pretty busy reading yaoi. Now, as for Ash x Gary, I'm going to be posting another chapter on here at the same time as this one, and then I will be pausing just before the long-awaited SMUT update. Please note the desperate Pancham" *Looks at you, xXxPandaBearxXx* "leading a horde of satanically forlorn Skitties." *Looks at the rest of you* "They shall be our mascots, cheering us on into a dark, dark world."

Teagan: "...She wanted to say 'room.'"

Me: *Crying and laughing at the same time* "Yes, the Skitties and Pancham shall lead us on into temptation. BUT THERE WILL BE NO SMUT YET. IN THE NEXT CHAPTER I UPDATE WITH THIS ONE, I WILL SPECIFY THE EXACT DATE THAT THE SMUT WILL BE RELEASED. I am doing this because I want to mark the story as mature because I will not be holding back, and I want to give everyone time to realize that if they search for this story when it's marked mature, they must have their filters set to show mature stories. In the meantime, purchase goggles to protect your eyes from stray lemon juice and find yourself a good therapist."

Pancham and Skitties: *Start setting up shop*

Ash: "...Why do they have machine guns?"

Me: "So you can't leave, Ash. So you can't leave."

Ash: ToT "Gary? Help me?"

Gary: "Carry on, soldiers. No objections here."

Me: *Lays back on bed of Skitties and starts the show*


*Ash's POV*

So he loves me, right? No matter what? And I love him? But...for him...is that love just lust? I...It's not that way for me...But if it's not just lust, then what did I ever do to make him love me? When did he even start loving me?

We're walking towards the Contest Hall in Lilycove, and I look up ahead at Gary where he's laughing on his pokégear at something someone said.

Who are you talking to that isn't me?

"Ash?" Teagan speaks up beside me. She frowns at me a little. "Are you okay? You made a really scary face just now..."

I can't tell her that I'm jealous of a complete stranger on the phone! I try to avoid eye contact with her, and my eyes naturally drift back to Gary instead.

Teagan follows my line of sight. "You don't trust him much do you?"

"What?! I didn't say that!" Being around this girl is like being around a mind reader! God, I just totally gave myself away, didn't I?

Teagan doesn't laugh at me, though. She's so nice...I could've never given Gary a Teagan...

"Ash, whenever you're quiet, you're thinking something that scares me—I'm almost positive of that. So let me clear something up for you: he's on the phone with Auntie Joy. And when I was little, I never heard of you—Daddy never talked about you—but...," she looks up at her father, and I wonder what parts of his life she's seen that I haven't, "he's never been this happy before," she turns to me with a big grin, "It makes me happy to see."

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now