Author's Note

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Gary: "WTF?! My Ashy has been kidnapped, and then you don't update, and now you're posting an author's note?!"


Ash: "Umm, Gary, do you think maybe we're alone? Is she gone?"


?: *Mysterious coughing*

Ash: "Gary, I'm scared."

Gary: "Ash, you're ruining the story. You're supposedly being held captive right now."

?: *Groaning* "Help me..."

Ash: "Shut up and hold me!" *Latches onto Gary*

Me: *Croaking* "Oh, shove it up your poké butts-" *Coughing* "I just wanted to say that I'm in the middle of midterms and I've got a bunch of homework after this, too, and I'm also experiencing the privilege of using all my free time to sleep off a cold or flu or who-gives-a-crap-it-just-sucks so I can't update right now. So everything's on hold for an indeterminate period of time until school slows back down a bit. Unfortunately, I don't think updating will pick up speed any as the semester progresses so continue to expect delays, folks. I will update The Devil's Descent and All inside My Head tonight at least, though. Anyways, Ash, I'm sure Ditto will hold off having its way with you in the mean time."

Ash: "Okay...Wait- What?! What do you mean 'having its way with me'?! Gary!"

Me: "Why are you running to the other...person (Ditto's not a person but whatever) who wants to have their way with you?"

Teagan: "Maybe Hypno's already gotten to his brain."

Me: "Heheheh..." *Coughing* "I had thought up better jokes in my neurology midterm, but then I actually took the test, and now my mind is just...withdrawing to its happy place where nothing happens but yaoi." *Rocks in corner*

Gary: *Nods* "Mmhmmm, I see...But on another note....HAVE YOU ALL SEEN GROWLIE YET?! HAVE YOU?! HAVE YOU?!"

Jigglypuff: *Holds up microphone/pen while wearing a tie* "Ahem, we interrupt this sorry excuse for a status update/entertainment to bring you breaking news! Gary Oak has lost his damn mind! He thinks a Growlithe is cuter than me!"

Teagan: "...So being sick makes you hallucinate that Jigglypuff can talk?"

Me: "I don't effin' know. Why are you asking the crazy person? This broadcast is over!" *Takes Jigglypuff's mic and prepares to shut off computer*

Jigglypuff: TnT

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now