Let's Roggen Roll!

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Me: "Part of this picture's URL is 'attack of the fanboy.' I both understand that and want to laugh till I pee at that."


"Wow," Teagan gasps, looking up in amazement at the Rustboro City gym.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," I boast casually.

"It's so boring," Teagan whispers to me with a sparkle in her eyes.


"Oh, she's just trying to get a rise out of you, Ash," Gary rolls his eyes at us, "Like I used to do," he adds with a smirk. I pout at him. He just grins wider—what's he thinking about right now?

"Whatever. You can stay out here, Teagan. But I'm going in." I make my way over to the doors and start pushing on them.

"Ash!" Teagan calls. I don't dare look back at those buttheads, certain they're making fun of me. "Those doors are pull!" I can feel my face get hot, but I quickly disappear into the gym's interior—out of sight of the Oaks that torment me.

*POV change to Teagan—I know! I lied, okay? She's obviously a main character so we'll be hearing a lot from her, alright?*

"Daddy-I'm-going-shopping-you-can't-come-bye-bye!" I shout out all my words at once and dash off, ditching my overprotective (or at least he used to be before Ash showed up) father.

"I'll be at the Trainer's School and then the Pokémon Center if you need me!" he calls after me. I roll my eyes—Daddy is such a nerd.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!" Correction: A nerd with x-ray vision capable of seeing through the back of your skull. I put my head down and pump my arms harder, picking up the pace.

*POV change to Ash*

"Roxanne!" I call out into the dark, deserted gym. Huh, maybe she's at the Trainer's School?

"A challenger arises," a deep voice booms from some speakers hidden somewhere, startling the crap out of me. Some spotlights click on, and I use my hand to shield myself from the intense rays directed at me. I never figured Roxanne for the theatrical type.

"Will he beat the mighty lady of Rustboro? Or will he crash and fail, like a boulder crumbling into rubble?" the speaker voice continues.

"Ron! Cut that out! This is a Pokémon Gym, not the set of a soap opera!" That voice sounds familiar, but I can't see anything thanks to these spotlights blinding me.

Mercifully, the regular lights come on and the spotlights turn off. I let my hand fall back down to my side.

"Ash! Long time no see!" Roxanne greets me warmly with open arms, wearing a black and red dress very similar to the one I saw her in when we first met.

"Hi, Roxanne. It has been a while, hasn't it?" I return her greeting.

"Yes, I hope I manage to beat you this time. Where are all your friends, though?" She directs me onto the battlefield, immediately getting down to business.

I force a fake smile on my face, knowing one of those friends is Brock, who I haven't spoken to in years. "They're busy doing their own things, but I do have some different travel companions with me right now. They're just not that interested in gym battles." Gary used to be, but then he took up his research and blah-blah-blah.

"Oh, well you'll have to introduce them to me some time. Ron! State the rules and get the cameras running!" she shouts up to the mysterious Ron behind the speakers, "Oh! You don't mind if we film this match, do you?" She turns to me.

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now