Contestshipping in Slateport (May x Drew)

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Me: "Guess what I'm doing!"

Teagan: "Planning someone's death?"

Me: *Frowns* "I'm not that kind of crazy. I found Pokémon Origins on YouTube last night, and I bawled when they had Cubone and his mommy on, thank you very much."

At least one of you: "...Raping a squirrel...?" *Looks at screen expectantly*

Me: "...No, I'm finally downloading Alpha Sapphire onto my 3DS, but if you want me to show you crazy...I'll SHOW you crazy."

May: *Shoves everyone side* "Forget this! I'm in this episode! Go me!"


Well, we've finally arrived in Slateport City, a town full of seaside markets, docks, and most importantly: contests.

The first thing I do is head for the Contest Hall while Ash runs off to battle some people on the beach, which leaves Daddy with a choice: watch my contest or fawn over Ash?

Of course, he chooses the fawning. I roll my eyes: I don't need them to watch in order to win.

I register at the counter, choosing Beedrill as my appeal pokémon and Steelix for the battle round, and go off to the coordinators' changing rooms.

"I'll use you next time, Aron," I promise while I start on my hair, unraveling it from its braid.

"Well, lookee here," someone sneers behind me.

I turn around and am met by a horrendous maid's outfit that is also magically doubled on a tiny pokémon. "What did you do to that poor thing?" I gasp.

Lacey, my Rustboro City shopping spree acquaintance, doesn't appear to understand what I mean. "What are you talking about? That's just Gothita."

"So pokémon come in ugly versions?" I mock, but I'm also kind of serious: that thing is icky.

"Yeah, just look at your Beedrill," she taunts back. Drill raises its stingers, letting the fluorescent light glint off them. Lacey backs up a step.

I'm about to make another snarky remark when someone starts laughing loudly as they enter the room.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Drew, you're so funny!" That May lady with the gravity-defying hair from Petalburg City strolls in with some green-haired guy following her. He kinda looks like he wants to kill himself, rather than listen to May keep talking.

Lacey and I stare at them unashamedly, along with many other coordinators who are bothered by how loud they're being—specifically May.

May takes a seat at a vanity and picks up a brush. Every time she runs it through her brown hair, it springs right back up into its unnatural position.

Lacey and I gag when Drew—she called him—leans in and kisses her. ON THE LIPS.

"Eww," I squeal.

"Gothita." The miniature maid Pokémon, absurdly enough, seems interested by the kissing, its blue eyes shining as it goes in for a closer look.

"Gothita, no! Don't be weird," Lacey tells it. I giggle at the exchange. Lacey actually seems to echo my humor and sits amicably down at the vanity next to me.

We dress in silence while May gabs on and on, only pausing when the Drew guy starts sucking face with her.

*POV change to Gary*

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