Scott of All Trades

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Gary: *Tries to scientifically analyze the components of fangirls and fanboys* "What do these things run on?"

Me: "Yaoi, sugar, and giggles."

Professor Oak: "They are powerful pokémon, Gary. Leave them be. You must not disturb the forces of nature."

Me: "Seriously, if you get too close, we'll squeeze you till your lungs collapse. Right, folks? Anyway, here's your next episode! And previously on Ash x Gary (Palletshipping), our heroes were just starting to recover from their encounter with Team Fashion Monsters by challenging the Lavaridge Gym but became distracted by heat-induced hallucinations! Where are they now?"



"I think they're coming to."

Wha-? Ow, my head.

"WAKE UP!!!"

Now my head really hurts!

"Just five more minutes, Mom..." someone mumbles next to me.

I finally seem to remember how to open my eyes, and I see that we must still be in the Lavaridge Gym. Ash is to my right, conked out and drooling on the floor. Teagan's to my left, leaning her head back against the wall and looking sickly.

"Are you up now?!" some red-headed skank practically screams in my face where I'm sitting on the floor.

"Flannery..." that Scott kid we picked up earlier says, seeming embarrassed by the Gym Leader's rudeness.

"Can you turn the air conditioning on?" Teagan moans.

"We already did, or I think you guys might've died or something," Scott declares.

"Yeah, and now it's freaking cold in here," Flannery complains. Skank.

"Gary..." Ash is still talking in his sleep. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Gary, no touching..." He rolls over restlessly. God, Ash, really? In front of everyone? I think I'm gonna pass out again. Teagan chuckles weakly by my side, and I give her a reproachful glare.

"So which one of you is going to battle me?" For some reason, Flannery seems to think it's me because she keeps getting in my face.

"He is," I growl at her, jerking my head in Ash's direction, who is just now starting to wake up.

"So why are you here, Scott?" Teagan asks in a tired tone while Ash rubs at his eyes and then stretches, yawning.

"Oh, squirt here is my little brother," Flannery pulls Scott in for a noogie, "He helps out sometimes when he's not challenging other gyms or doing that weird Pokémon Contest thingy." Flannery gestures dismissively with her free hand, earning glares from Teagan and Scott.

"Flannery," Ash pauses to yawn again and wrap his arms around me, "will you battle me?" He nuzzles his face into my chest while he says it, and it certainly doesn't feel like they've turned the air conditioning on in here.

"Yeah, but you have to get up!"

Ash does as she says, releasing his hold on me and pissing me off to no end. 'I was enjoying that,' I think sulfurously at Flannery.

I look over at Teagan and Scott while Ash and Flannery assume their positions on the battlefield and the gym's referee states the rules. The little brother of the skank seems to be showing off his gym badges and ribbons to Teagan, and I yank her over to my side, away from him.

"Dad," she complains, but I'm not in the mood to hear it.

"WAIT! Stop the presses!" Flannery randomly yells, "It's TOO COLD in here! Scott! Do the battle thingy for me!"...And then she just leaves.

Scott steps up to Flannery's side of the battlefield.

"Is this still an official gym battle?" Ash asks concernedly. Choose your words carefully, Scott, or I may be forced to end you.

"Yeah." Scott shrugs. You know, it just occurred to me that he's wearing a sweater in here...How???

"Okay, uhhh, Pikachu, I choose you," Ash says, and his electric mouse takes the field.

"Ditto! Transform!" Scott orders, sending his pinkish blob of goo out. It transforms into Pikachu, who cocks its head at it. Ditto mimics the gesture...This is kinda creepy.

"Pikachu, volt tackle!" Ash commands.

"Iron tail!" Scott picks, holding up his pokédex—huh, that's probably how he knows what moves Ash's Pikachu knows.

The two battle it out for a while, but—no surprise here—Ditto and Pikachu seem tied in strength.

"Hey, Ditto! Come here for a second!" Scott suddenly calls his pokémon over to the sidelines where he seems to show it a picture of something. After he's done, Ditto transforms into a Camerupt!

"That's not fair!" I yell.

"Sure it is." Scott starts laughing at me, and Teagan has to hold me back from killing the little brat.

"Pikachu, iron tail!" Ash orders. The move makes direct contact with Ditto, who...actually faints. I guess it must have been pretty tired.

"Haha, I knew you'd win, Ash. I just thought I'd show off Ditto's transformation abilities." Scott hands over the Lavaridge gym badge. Oh, is that why he was laughing...?

I see that he seems to have earned Ash's interest and smile, and I continue to contemplate Scott's death, even if he wasn't laughing at me.

Suddenly, Flannery comes bursting back into the gym, huffing and puffing, out of breath. "Sc-..." she has to wait a minute to catch her breath, "'s terrible...Officer Jenny...Team...Fashion Monsters..." Flannery collapses on the gym floor, wheezing. What?! Those freaks are back?!

"Come on, guys!" Scott starts running out of the gym.

"What about Flannery?" Teagan asks, sidestepping the gasping gym leader.

"Leaver her! She'll be fine!" Scott yells over his shoulder. I smirk a bit—maybe he's not so bad.

Ash comes up to my side while we follow Scott to the Pokémon Center at a not so frantic pace—Officer Jenny will still be there when we get there. He takes my hand and rests his head on my shoulder, and I can feel the tension just pouring off him, but I'm not sure exactly what's wrong. Ungh, we need to start communicating better.

"Daddy! Daddy, we have to go to the Weather Institute! NOW!" Teagan screams, coming running out of the Pokémon Center with Scott. I sigh and change directions, following after the kids. Were Ash and I always this crazy?

Ash squeezes my hand a bit tighter and comes in closer. I can see that he's got that evil Plusle's poké ball out and is staring at it worriedly. Oh, Ash, we'll put a stop to these bad guys and save the pokémon. We always do. Trust me.


Me: "Sorry for making you wait, but I just want to get to the good parts, ya know?! We hope to see you again soon, though, folks!" *Waves bye-bye*

Ash: "Who's 'we?'"

Gary: "I think she means us, Ash."

Teagan: "She kinda reminds me of a cat lady."

Me: *Pets Skitty and laughs evilly*

Ash x Gary (Palletshipping)Where stories live. Discover now