Chapter Thirteen

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He stood there. Leaning up against the door frame to where I had my first kiss from Jonathon. And my second first kiss from Edward. Phillip standing there in all his fucking attractiveness, giving my a smirk. Whilst my mouth hung down.

"Are you going to come in or am I going to just leave you standing out here?" Phillip asked.

I closed my mouth. Honestly stunned.

"I would have thought you'd be living up in some mansion and no stuck in the suburbs. Let alone in my house." I stepped into my home and memories flooded through and then my heart started to race at the memories of my mum and I.

"I like the suburbs. I'm not a fan of the city or city living." He shut the door and we walked to the kitchen. Down the hallway, pass various photos of his family and one of mine.

"Look, I can literally stay in the garage if you want. I don't want to intrude on your bachelor lifestyle or whatever." I said feeling very nervous all of the sudden.

"Firstly, this is actually your house and I would never kick you out. Secondly, I don't bring girls home because this isn't my home. Thirdly, you are the first girl to be in this house. I don't bring people in. No one has ever been here." He reaches into the cupboard where the cups are. He takes two mugs out and proceeds to boil the kettle.

"I'm sorry if I'm ruining your loneness. I just had no where else to go and I missed my home. I just wanted to come back and feel at home again, be happy and all. It's been a long time since I was happy and content." I hold my arms, hugging myself.

Phillip notices this and comes over and hugs me. "I'm here for you and happy to let you stay here." He whispers.

We let go and I give him a tight smile. "You don't have to pay the rent or whatever. Happy to give you your bond back and let you stay here rent free. I don't need it."

The kettle dings and Phillip pours the water into the mugs with tea bags. He adds honey and a dash of milk. He hands me a mug.

"Just the way you like it," He smiles.

"Why are you being so nice to be? I've been a complete bitch and an utter mess around you lately Phillip, last thing you should be doing is giving me tea and being nice." I take a sip and sigh. Damn he makes a good cup of tea.

"Because I said I'd do anything to fix the mistakes I've done. I'm not running away from you or from my feelings. Unlike someone who is running away."

"And on that note I am running away to grab my bags from the car."

"Isla..." He sighs.

I quickly place my cup down and move outside to grab my bags from the car. It's not many, so I can take one trip. I'm quick to unload and walk back inside. Phillip hasn't left the kitchen. He is still standing in the same place.

I walk through the kitchen to the small stair case which leads up to the attic. I place a few bags down to fish for my keys. They tumble down the stair case. I groan and start to walk down, only to have Phillip pick them up for me instead.

"I've always wondered what was up there."

I find my keys. "Have you now? Well did you want to see?"

I place the key into the locked door and open the door. Picking up my bags I walk in and place them onto the plastic covered bed. My room still looks the same, but with dust and some cob webs.

The same bed, the same desk, the same bookshelf but with less items. My self-made wardrobe still hanging up with coat hangers. My bathroom still the same. And then there was my sewing area. Not the same, it was ruined. The memories flooded in.

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