Chapter Seven

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Ok,  I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, as nothing was springing to mind of how and what I wanted to happen. So after reading my first book like a dozen times, I finally figured out where this story is now going to go.

Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked!


Jonathon woke me up the next morning with a cup of tea in a white mug. It's his way of surrendering to me.

Today is the big day. Photo shoot day.

I'm up early, running around and getting all the wardrobe sorted and turning out library into a dressing and make up room. I haven't slowed down, nor do I want too.

Jonathon is up, making breakfast and tea for me. Not that I want anything to eat. I just want tea. I can survive on tea. Phillip is gathering everyone and preparing the lights and camera gear outside in the court yard.

The twins enter the room, freshly showered and smile at me.

"So, where too sis?" They both say in unison.

"Over there!" I point to the corner where the twins suits are hanging.

They walked over and put the suits on. I on the other hand stood outside the room and waited for them to get changed. Jonathon walked by and handed me a cup for tea, kissed my cheek and proceeded to continue his tea and coffee run. I took one sip and it's all I needed to get me through the day.

The next few hours of prep were fast. Everyone racing in and out to get changed. Whilst I applied the make-up and did the final touches to their wardrobe.

Dad and Alannah were enjoying getting dressed up for photos. The twins were enjoying the attention from a few extra crew. Henry was dressed up, slightly matching what Phillip had put on. I even got Genevive and Christopher to come down for the day.

One by one, photo after photo. Jonathon, Phillip and myself were finally nearing the end of the day. I was exhausted and I just wanted dinner and bed.

However Phillip had other intentions.

"Isla, come and join us in the last group photo?" Phillip was pulling me towards the group.

"Nah, I'm all good. Honestly, I loo horrible anyway!" I tried to refuse him. But he insisted and pulled me outside.

And that was a mistake. Next thing I know, everyone is throwing snow balls at each other and Jonathon is taking photos. It's a snow ball fight and I'm losing.

Henry races over to me breathless, smiles, kisses me and then throws a snow ball on the top of my head. He smirks and I chase after him with a snowball in my hand. A few slips and almost fallen over half a dozen times. I catch up to him and smash it on his head. He picks me up from my waist and carries me around the courtyard.

We both are laughing like crazy and completely drenched from the snow. He finally puts me down and we look into each others eyes and smile. Henry looks away briefly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing babe." He smiles back at me. But its more of a forced smile.

I worry about him for a second. then.

"ISLA!" Jonathon yells, interrupting my train of thought.

I turn my head around and see Phillip and Jonathon standing looking at us.

"C'mon, we need a photo of us just three!" Phillip shouts across at me and gestures for me to come over.

"Duty calls!" I kiss Henry on the cheek and skip off to the boys.

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