Chapter Two

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It hurts everywhere.

Even with my pain killers, it still hurts everywhere.

But my head hurts more than anywhere else. It hurts because I have a constant headache and the possibility that I will never gain my memory back. I've remember small things. But not everything.

And to make it worse, I don't know anyone here besides my dad.

I get visitors of family from Ireland, but I don't know who they are. They introduce themselves to me, but I just either forget or don't remember them coming in.

I get Phillip coming in every day, somedays I think he sleeps outside my room. The only person that stays in my room is my dad. Not every night, but most nights. So his new wife, my new step mother, Alannah, stays and watches over me. I don't know her at all. But we are trying to bond. She brought in Greys anatomy. So I'm slowly getting addicted, as there are only old British and Irish detective shows.

"So," I say whilst watching Greys Anatomy, "I forgot how addictive this gets!"

Alannah has a little laugh to herself and smiles at me.

"Very addictive." She replies.

"How many seasons are there?"

"Well, at the moment, 11 seasons. And we are only on season 2!"

We keep on watching. She eventually falls asleep whilst I watch and look up at the clock to see its 5 minutes till midnight. 5 minutes till 2015 starts. And I really hope that next year, will be better than this one. 

Not that I want to remember most of what happened this year, from what my dad informed me, I had a tough and crap year. He told me and I slowly remembered some events. Like the fact that I am no longer engaged. That Edward cheated on me with Olivia, my former best friend and they are now married.

I met Phillip this year as well, how we are co-workers and thats all. And how my mother passed away this year as well. How Jonathon and Maggie are now expecting twins and I'm their future godmother. I cried when Jonathon told me over the Skype yesterday. Dad thought it be best for him to Skype to help me gain my memory back.

As I sat and watched the clock tick down to midnight and I wished and preyed that next year would be better. I closed my eyes and talked to myself.

"Never thought you were the one to pray!"

A voice spoke and I snapped opened my eyes. 

There, in the doorframe stood a tall, very handsome man. Dress in striped long sleeved shirt with denim shirt over the top, black jeans and black boots. He had very similar features to Phillip, meaning it was his brother. I don't remember much of him. Or knowing him for that matter. Or which brother he is.

"Christopher or Henry?" I asked.

"Henry," He smiled. He slowly walked into the room. "It's Henry, Isla."

"Sorry, memory." I sigh out.

"It's alright," He sat at the end of my hospital bed. "I figured you wouldn't remember. I'm just glad that you're ok. I'm happy that you are alive."

Alannah tossed in her chair slightly. I jolted slightly and Henry noticed. He held my left hand and smiled. 

"It's ok Isla." He comforted me.

I gave him a reassuring smile to thank him. I looked back up at the clock. A minute till midnight. I sighed out. Henry turned his head to the clock on the wall and watched it tick with me.

"I have something for you," He said, whilst reaching into his pockets. He handed me a keyring with a heart on it.

I smiled at him and opened it up. It was a photo of him.

"So you could always remember me," Henry said softly.

Then I drop it on the bed. I close my eyes tight and images flash in my head. I remember everything with him. How be betrayed me and used me to get at Phillip. How he apologised in the airport. How we were in my bedroom and we started kissing. How he looked after me. 

Were we in a relationship before my accident? My memory is foggy on that behalf, but something clicked in me where I knew that something was there.

I started to feel faint. Henry quickly moved closer to me and held onto me.

"Woah, Isla, are you ok?" He held onto me.

"Yeah, sorry. Just my memory is coming back. memory of you, of us…" I paused because I didn't know where this conversation was going to head.

I looked up at Henry and smiled at him. "I remember things Henry."

He has a big smile on his face. He holds my cheek gently and looks my straight in the eye. I move my eyes off him to see the time.

"Five… Four… Three… Two…"  I count down.

I didn't even make one. Henry's lips were on mine. Our lips moved and his tongue trailed along my bottom lip and slowly entered my mouth. 

I was in pain, but this kiss was amazing that I completed forgot about the pain and moved my left hand and held his cheek in it. My right arm, which was in a sling, held his shirt. I wanted more of him. More of this kisses.

Henry guided a hand behind me and on my lower back, whilst the other held onto my neck and cheek. Our lips moved and our tongues did the talking.

I pulled away for a breathe of air. "One…" I breathed out. 

"Happy New Year Isla," Henry couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

We heard something drop. I quickly turned my head to see where it come from. 

Flowers dropped on the floor and Phillip standing in the door looking to kill someone. He stormed out of the room.

"Fuck…" Henry said under his breath. He followed in quick pursuit behind him. 

They stood outside my room, outside the viewing window. I could see them arguing. Then the unthinkable happened.

I rushed out of my bed, holding onto the monitor and quickened my pace to get out of the room.

Phillip threw a punch and Henry was on the ground. Phillip jumped on him and they started wrestling and yelling at each other.

"You're a fucking asshole!" Phillip yelled whilst they were on the ground.

They were both yelling abuse at each other. Alannah had woken up by now and was standing next to me.

"STOP IT" I yelled at them both. They continued to ignore me. I walked over to them and tried to pull them off of each other. But that didn't happen.

Instead Phillip shoved me out of the way and I was on the ground. I yelled out in pain. I hit the ground hard and somehow my head hit the ground and my eyes closed.


Finally the second chapter arrived. I'm sorry for the lateness. I've been super busy. So you guys can come with your pitch forks and fire now. Hopefully the next chapter should be up next week, but I can't make any promises.

So I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think...



Your amazingly crap author, 

Krystal Waters


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