Chapter Ten

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We talked over tea and macaroons. I told her everything with her husband and I. Not that anything happened. I talked about getting my memory back and how I've decided to rebuild the house that was given to me. Not that I had much planning.

I bonded with Harry whilst his parents were in the kitchen. I swear this little child was more a friend than my friends back home. He was so sweet and innocent; Hopefully the world wouldn't be so bad for him.

As my new house was being built and really unable to live, Amelia kindly letting me live with her and her family. Just as long as I could babysit for them. Which I was fine with. Because who wouldn't babysit the most adorable little four year old.

I've been here for two weeks. Only contact to my life was with my step mum and dad. We talked and talked and I told them everything. I told my plans about the house. Or at least what I wanted done. It was going to be ope and airy and me. I was planning on moving over here. Although I swore not to move here, but being in the making of my house was very persuading.

I only had on request for my dad to do; Get Jonathon to me.

I fought with myself the whole two weeks whether to accept his apology or not. He was the only person I wanted in my life after that whole memory drama. He was the only person that I could forgive. Plus his twins were due within the next month, meaning he would have to be around Maggie more often.

So, right now, whilst holding my coat tight, leaning against my car, which was apart of my inheritance, a vintage navy convertible porshe, to get around. I was at the airport, currently freezing my arse off waiting and praying that Jonathon would appear.

Looking at my watch constantly and then looking at my phone and then looking at the arrivals listing. I just pray that he is here!

I looked at my watch again, letting out a sigh.

"I really hope that is a sigh of relief and not stress!"

I looked up excitedly at that voice. The only voice I heard from in high school that guided me through life. And my messy break-up and the passing of my late mother.

"Oh thank god!" I rushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I am so sorry about everything and my behaviour and I accept your apology! Please forgive me?"

Jonathon lets go of me. "It's you that should be the one forgiving me, not the other way around."

"Well I forgive you. You were thinking of the business that we started. I get it aright."

Jonathon wraps his arms around me again. "Can we please get into the car and show me where I am staying for the next few days before my wife is due?"

I opened the door for him and placed his luggage in the car. We drove back to my place, where luckily Amelia was there with the builder. She was being busy and bossing people around. I hired her as my project manager and co-designer. She's always wondered if someone would buy the place or move in there or something. And she's glad I'm the one with the power and property.

"So, this must be the famous Mr. Hack I've heard so much about." Amelia wonders over from the drawing table with designs to us.

"Nice to meet you Amelia, Isla was just telling me about you."

"I bet she was!"

"You know I'm standing right here guys!" I butted in. "Jonathon, this is my project manager and new friend Amelia. Ameila, this is Jonathon, my best friend."

The quickly shake hands and smile at each other.

"Ok, there's the introductions, now let's get down to business." I move towards the drawing table. "We've designed the kitchen, bathrooms, lounge room, my office, the library..."

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