Chapter 14- Statue Collections

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Chapter 14-

Elizabeth’s POV:

Bent in half sitting up in the bed, tears actually falling from my eyes.

“I-I’ll never get over the stupidity of some doctors.” After a few minutes my guffaws settled down to the occasional chortle, looking up I saw everyone was looking at me like I’d grown another head. “What? Did I grow another head or something?”

All the adults are here except for Jasper and Henry, who’re probably off watching the kids, getting coffee, something like that.

“You’re awake.” Lilia -aka Kent’s mom- said, more than asked.

“Yeah……you’re point?” I asked, deadpanned.

“You’re not brain-dead?”



“Not sure I totally understand the question?” It was my turn to look confuzzled.

Her mouth just flubbered around like a fish’s, and her brain was unable to form rational thought so Rick, aka: uncle policeman, -No judge on the nick names, be proud of me for remembering their names at all- stepped in for her, “How are you not brain dead, I think she meant to  say.”

“Uhhhh,” I don’t really know how to answer this. It’s pretty obvious to me, aren’t these people supposed to be intelligent? “Because….my brain didn’t die?”

No one was effected by my explanation. They were all still just staring at me. It was bearable at first but after two minutes of having nothing but a room full of people staring at me, I began to get really weirded out.

“Right……so… long do these long awkward pauses usually last, anyways?”

“This isn’t awkward, that’s your lame, overactive imagination.” Kent’s wide eyes disappeared and a scowl settled on his face. “You know I’m going to have to be stuck here for like two weeks while you recover?”

“Hmmm, well maybe if you hadn’t decided to steal my bag yesterday, then we wouldn’t be in this position.” Was it really only yesterday that he stole my bag and we were first handcuffed together?

“I was looking for your wallet!”

“My wallet was in my pocket, idiot!”

“How was I supposed to know that?!”

“You didn’t need to know that, you shouldn’t have been looking for it in the first place!”

“You shouldn’t have left your bag on the football field!”

“You actually think I wanted to leave my bag on the field?!”

“Well, duh.”

“Don’t use the ‘duh’ voice on me, especially when you’re WRONG!”

“I’m not-” He was interrupted by a red-haired nurse rushing in wearing green and pink colored nurse outfit.

“What’s going on here?” Her gaze switched over to me. “What are you doing up?! You’re supposed to be drugged!” She came over to check my chart, that was hanging on the end of my bed. She mumbled a whole bunch of stuff about drugs, and what doses I’ve been given. She looked back up at me, confused. “You should be unconscious.” Her words posed a statement, but her voice insinuated a question.

“Yeah, okay, I should be unconscious, but I’m obviously not. What’s your point?”

She just continued looking at me like…..well just like everybody else was still looking at me: like I’m some kind of new-found alien. Actually just a regular alien, because as far as the public population knows NO aliens have been found yet….if that makes any sense.

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