One less lonely girl

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Olive's POV

I rolled my eyes as I left the restaurant. That waiter was cute, but I seriously could do better. I threw the tiny piece of paper given to me and sashayed off.

He could make someone else 'One less lonely girl....'

Sabrina's POV

My best friend Rowan and I we're the best pranksters  you could ever find. Today we were going around town and finding phone numbers to call.

We were skipping down the street and saw a brunette throwing a piece of paper on the ground.

I ran to it and picked it up. It had a phone number on it. What a coincidence! We started to cackle as we entered my apartment building to get ready to prank.

I typed the number into my phone, while Rowan and I waited until someone picked up.

  The next thing that rang through my ears was a masculine voice with a southern accent.

"Hello. And whom may I be speaking to?"
I was surprised by his kindness, but that only made me smirk and come up with a worst plan..

Peyton's POV

   My shift had ended, and I was walking towards my tiny apartment. The second I entered, my tiny dog attacked me and I laughed. I sat down on my hideous couch, and sighed loudly.

   I was awaiting that cute girl to call me, and I knew she would call me.

   Who wouldn't want to call me?

My phone rang suddenly, and I ran to answer it. I picked it up, and trying not to sound desperate I said, "Hello. And whom may I be speaking to?"

I heard a giggle and then a squeaky voice spoke,"Hello, I would like to make a reservation at Chucky-Cheese for my sons birthday party."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

She repeated it "I would like to rent out Chucky-Cheese for my sons birthday party."

A voice behind her was cackling and she quickly shushed it.

"HELLO ARE JU THERE?" A different voice screamed into the phone. I cringed. Who did these people think I was?

Quickly thinking, I used my laptop to quickly track where the phone number was, and ran to the location. The phone call was coming from an apartment above mine.

I heard loud giggling from a door in front of me, and I loudly knocked. The door swung open, and there stood.....

Sabrina's POV

"HELLO ARE JU THERE?", I said in a funky accent after it was quiet for a while.

Rowan and I started laughing hysterically. Then there was a knock at the door.

We stopped laughing, and looked at each other."Are you expecting someone?", I whispered to Rowan."No, but go open the door."

I nodded my head and looked through the peephole.


I opened the door, and there stood Peyton with a mad face with his arms crossed. He looked so cute with his face scrunched up and looking-Whoa. Shut up Sabrina.

I looked at him with a smirk on my face, trying not to laugh." Is there a problem, mister?"

"Oh, stop acting innocent. Were you prank calling me?", he said amused but angry.

"Whaaaaaaaaaattt? Where did you get that from?" I said fake shocked. I looked over my shoulder to look at Rowan, signaling for her to help me, but she hid behind the sofa.

I sighed and looked back at Peyton.

"You have no proof that it was me," I said with a huge smile, playing around with my phone in my hand.

He looked at me and smiled," Do I? I can call the number right now and prove if it was you. If I'm right, I get to take you on a date."

My stomach dropped. Dammit.

"And if you're wrong," I said trying to play it cool."You have to go and knock on every door on this floor."



We shook hands, and started laughing. He took out his phone from his pocket, and called the number. A few seconds later, I feel a vibration in my hand. My face turned red, and I looked down.

He grabbed his fingers and placed it on my chin, forcing me to look at his light gray eyes." I pick you up tomorrow at 12, ok?" He winked and walked away.

I just watched him walk away while I stood there at the door, biting my lip. Wow, does that boy know how to make my stomach flutter. And maybe, he might just make me 'one less lonely girl'.



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