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Sabrina's POV

"Why did I ever even bother to get together with you?" I screamed as I shut the door in Peyton's face.

"It was a mistake! She was the one who was kissing me!" He screamed back.

"Well then, why were you kissing back? I could see it getting heated! I'm not blind you know!" I yelled out.

I slammed our- I mean my bedroom door and locked it. I went immediately threw myself on the bed and started crying.

I heard a faint knock on the door and I ignored it. After the person didn't stop knocking, I finally said,

"Go away, Peyton. I'm never going to forgive you deal with it!" I sniffled

" It's Rowan, not Peyton, and Peyton already left." Rowan replied softly.

I sighed and opened the door. Rowan entered the bedroom and I closed the door behind her.

We sat on the bed and she said,"Spill."


Rowan's POV

"SERIOUSLY?" I screeched.

"Calm down, Row. I'll get over it. You already know it's happened before." That was true.

Sabrina dated 7 boys, and all of them cheated on her. Not cool, right?

After I left, and when I was walking on the street, I saw Peyton on a bench with his head drooped down. I walked up to him and he looked up at me with a sad look.

"Hi, Ro-" I slapped him in the face.

I sat down next to him while he rubbed his face.

"Ow! What was that for?" He replied.

"For cheating on my bestie. Now, spill everything." I said sternly.

"Ok... Well it all started when..."


"Hi Sabrina!" I said kissing her on the cheek after rehearsals.

"Hi bae, how are you?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Good how are you?" I said poking her cheek. She looked at me weirdly and said,

"Good, and why did you poke my cheek?" I started laughing.

"Because you're adorable!" I said.

She started laughing and punched my arm.

"Well I'll see you later, right?" She said softly.

"Yeah! Meet me at Starbucks at 3:00." I said. She kissed me and she walked away.

I sighed and started walking to the exit. When I opened the door, there was another fan.

She squealed when he saw me and attacked me to the floor. I pushed her off and yelled,"What was that for?!"

And then she collided our lips and wouldn't let me go. I banged my head on the wall and moaned.

Then Sabrina came and said,"Peyton, do you have my pho-" she stopped and gasped and ran away.

I finally pushed the crazy girl off of me and ran after Sabrina.

She won't forgive me, will she?
End of Flashback

Peyton's POV

As soon as I finished, Rowan gasped and grabbed my wrist and pushed me off the bench.

"GO. TO. SABRINA. AND. TELL. HER. THE. TRUTH. NOW!!" She screamed at me while I was getting off the floor.

And yes. She threw me on the floor and stepped on my hand while I placed my hand on the floor to get up.

I think she broke my ring finger. Ouch. I sighed and sat on the bench again.

"She won't forgive me. There is no other way. Thanks for trying though, Row." I sighed.

I stared at Rowan and her face was so mad, she looked as if she was about to attack me.

She pointed at our apartment and said,"Go or I will murder you NOW. I'll be right behind you so you have no choice." I got up and put my hands up in defeat.

I slowly walked to our apartment and opened the door.

"Sab?" I said softly.


Sabrina's POV

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

"No." He said sternly. Rowan was right behind him. She rolled her eyes and pushed him in.

Rowan told me to calm down. I was in the verge of tears.

"You!" She said pointing at me. "Sit on the couch RIGHT NOW! And you mister, go sit right next to her." I sat down on the couch, with Peyton close to me.

"Can I please talk to you?" He said pleading to me with his sad eyes and puppy pout.

I turned my back to him and crossed my arms and said,"No!"

Suddenly I felt strong arms on my waist. Uh oh. He started tickling me.

I screamed and screamed and cried and laughed and kicked before I finally said,"FINE!"

He smiled and started talking to me. He better start explaining.

After he explained it to me, I burst into tears. I started sobbing and he hugged me.

"I'm sorry babe." I sniffled. I should have forgiven him."

Can I make it up with some Starbucks?" I asked.

"Of course you can, my love." He responded. We kissed and held hands and walked to the door.

Rowan was there with tissues in her hand. I stared at her weirdly and pushed her along with us.

I knew from the second I saw this girl, she would become my best friend. And when I saw that beautiful face for the first time, immediately knew he was the one.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a really long time. I don't have an excuse😭😑

I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you,


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