16- I'm Gonna Take Back What You Took

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6:30 am my alarm began to go off obnoxiously. Somehow Jack managed to sleep through it. Turning off the alarm I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I'll let him sleep a little longer.

Cold water spewed from the sink hitting my hands and then my face. Turning the faucet off I looked in the mirror. My scruffy blond-brown hair was extremely messy and there was stubble on my face. Must shave.

Applying the cold white foam to my face I turned on my razor and began to remove the hair on my face. "Fucking hell!" I screamed putting my hand to my face immediately while also managing to drop the razor. The sound of footsteps came from the other side of the door and Jack appeared. "What happened?! " Pulling my hand away from my face I saw the little bit of blood that had come from my face. "The god damn razor cut me!" He sighed and picked the razor up from the floor. "Alex, you're ridiculous." It's morning, I have an excuse. "Alright mom"

After about 45 minutes of getting ready we both headed for the door.

"You ready?" Jack nodded and we left for school. We had only walked a block and my feet were hurting. Looking over at Jack I noticed he didn't look too good. "Hey you okay?" He just nodded. I stopped him. "Jack, I know its tough being kicked out of your own house but you'll survive. At least you get to live with me" A smile smile appeared on his face. Aw. I kissed his cheek gently and grabbed his hand, that is when the sound of a car horn came from behind us. "Is that Gaskarth?!" Michael. Great.

His red convertible that somehow his parents could afford for him was pulled up right next to us. "I knew you two were a fucking couple. Wow how gay" My eye twitched at that word. "Fuck off Michael. Why can't you just leave us alone?" Jack pulled at my sleeve. "Alex, just forget about him"

"Hell no!" Michael only laughed at me. "I can't wait to tell everyone about the two new fags at school" He sped away laughing with his friends in the remaining seats laughing as well. "I don't think I want to go to school today..., or ever" As if Jack didn't already have enough people making fun of him now he has to deal with the whole school. "We're fine don't worry about Michael"

We walked into school together trying to ignore everyone. Did word really get around that fast? A mere 10 minutes? "Look it's Gayskarth and Barafag!" Jack moved closer to me, holding onto my shirt. "Aw look at the fags!" Just ignore them Alex. By the time I got to my locker I had been pushed, shoved, and had plenty of things thrown at me. As long as they don't touch Jack. Where is Jack? Oh my god? I turned around and there he was being pushed up against a locker, punches being thrown at him. "JACK!"

Pushing through the crowd of people around the scene I saw it was some guy in my history class. "Get your hands off of him!" Poor thing. His nose was bleeding and his eye was already starting to turn purple. Everyone around me laughed and held me back. "Look at him struggle for his little boyfriend"


Six hands held Alex back from Jack and the boy named Brian who was beating him up. "Let me go!" While Alex thrashed and screamed Jack was stuck between the larger boy and the metal lockers behind him. Why me? He thought. Where are the teachers? Where is Alex? He crouched down trying to protect himself from the incoming punches. Voices surrounded him all screaming different threats and cheering on Brian. "Kick his ass! Give him a black eye! What a fag" Then another guy joined in on the beating picking him up and punching him right in the gut.

"Jack! Just leave him alone!" The people standing around Alex only laughed and teased him. "Aw is the fag going to cry?" No. He promised himself he would not cry. "You're going to fucking kill him!" Jack was skinny and small and not much of a fighter so by that point you probably would have believed him. His frail frame was starting to give up the fight. His vision began to blur and his head was pounding. "Alex" He mumbled. One last hit to his side and he was out cold. His body had fallen back against the lockers and to the floor. Everyone around them cheered. "JACK!" The people who were once holding him let go. Alex ran forward holding Jack.

"Look at what you fucking did!" At that point Alex had had enough of this. Standing up from his place on the floor he picked Michael out from the crowd of people. "This is your fault! Look at him!" Michael laughed and pushed Alex back. "Calm down man. Don't you think everyone should know about the new gay couple a school?" All of his friends laughed behind him, making comments about Alex. Calmly he said, "I am fucking sick of your bull shit Michael" With that being said the blonde pushed the taller boy down and made sure to hit him where it hurts.

Don't punch you punch even punch think punch about punch touching punch my punch boyfriend punch ever punch again


"Alex, can you please explain to me why you beat up Michael today?"

Looking up at the guidance counselor I saw a look of concern in her eyes. I sighed. "It's a long story really"

"Well feel free to tell me it all. The longer the story the longer you get out of class" I was liking this teacher already.

"It all started the night I decided to get on the website omegle..."

((AN omfg guys this chapter is bad but I enjoy the ending. SORRY TO SAY BUT THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END PRETTY SOON MAYBE ONE OR TWO MORE CHAPTERS AND THATS IT! I really liked writing this but it has to end soon. You guys can still read my other stories I'm writing. I have 2 others! But I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. COMMENT PLEASEEEE!!!!))

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