10 - Hell Had You by the Throat

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I turned around to see Michael and all his jock friends behind him. "What are you two faggots doing on my football field?" I scrambled off of Alex and onto my feet. "W-we were just leaving" Alex stuttered from the ground. He got to his feet and moved away. Micheal laughed almost menacingly. "Oh no youre not we're not done with you two just yet. He motioned his head towards us and two of his meaty henchmen grabbed me and pulled me away. "No!"


I reached my arm out to grab Jack, but I was grabbed by two more of Michael's stupid friends. They held me up in the air as I kicked and thrashed, trying to escape their grasp. They only laughed at me and tightened their grip. Tears threatened to leave my eyes. Don't cry Gaskarth, don't you fucking cry. My energy was slowly draining the more I thrashed around. I kicked at them one more time before giving up.

Micheal came up to me with a smirk on his face. "So here's the deal Gayskarth, we teach your little boyfriend a lesson and you have to watch or, we beat you up and he has to watch" The way he worded it sounded odd, but I went with it. Jack and I gained instant eye contact before I spoke. Neither of us really knew what each other were thinking but I knew what I had to do. "Beat me up, I'll take it" Jack cut me off." "Alex no" I gave him a sympathetic look before I was let down. "I'm not letting them hurt you"

Just as I was let to the ground Micheal's fist collided with my cheek. I went back ad covered my face immediately. I could hear Jack yelling in the back ground, his voice had cracked and by then I knew he was crying. "Alex no!"

"Come on Gayskarth, man up. Why don't you take a hit?" He pushed me down to the ground and kicked me right in the stomach. My body exploded with pain and I rolled over, now holding my gut. I kept my eyes closed until I felt someone on top of me. My eyes opened to the picture of Micheal sitting on top of me. He spoke a single word with every hit he took to my face. I punch better punch not punch see punch you punch fucking punch worthless punch faggot punch on punch my punch field punch ever punch again.

My mouth tasted of blood and my vision was blurry in my right eye. My nose was throbbing with pain, but there wasn't much I could do. The other jocks that weren't doing anything grabbed me and put me back on my feet only for Micheal to take a few more hits at me. I stumbled backward, holding my stomach and thinking that it could be worse. Michael stepped back and motioned toward me. "Go ahead guys" Three of the eight football players came at me and threw me to the ground, kicking and punching and all in all pain. My body ached and throbbed in pain. Jack came running over to me and helped me off the ground. I don't think I've ever been in so much pain.

I limped off the field and onto the sidewalk. "Should I walk you home?" I nodded and held onto him tightly as we walked home.


Later that evening

My phone vibrated on my night stand.

Jack: I'm so sorry this happened.

Me: it's not your fault. I'm the one who pulled you out of class.

Jack: But i feel guilty. I wanted to throw up when i saw what they were doing to you

Me: Really it's not that big of a deal okay

Jack: Im going to lose sleep over this

Me: No you won't. Everything is okay. Now go to bed <3

Jack: Alright gn Alex. I hope you feel better :) <3

Me: lol me too gn Jack~

((A/N whoo so I guess this is an okay chapter. I had planned to add some chapters and stuff but instead I came up with a better plan and I'm pretty sure you're all going to enjoy it ;) But i saw All Time Low and I cried a little omg. I touched Jack and he was so precious ugh. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!!!  HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANY COMMENTS RECENTLY! PLEASE! I PROMISE THE SORRY WILL GET BETTER <3333 ))

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