"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause," he responded. Andromeda glared up at him.

            Clarke tried to appeal to Octavia's gentler side. "Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope."

            Bellamy must have been spending to much time with Murphy because he was starting to lose the ability to keep his damn mouth shut, "This isn't about hope. It's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself."

            Andromeda stands up and squared off with him, "You'll have to kill me first."

            Everyone looked at her stunned. No one in the room had expected her to stand up for the poor, dying boy but here she was ready to kill for him. You could have heard a pin drop in the room and the air was thick with tension. The stare down between Bellamy and Andromeda was cold and unforgiving.

            "We all know how you like to play hero for the helpless. Don't you, sweetheart?" Bellamy mocked.

            Andromeda took a step forward, "Don't you dare! Besides who is the one here with the guts to sacrifice their life for another? It sure as hell isn't you."

            "I don't throw away my life for lost causes."

            "Maybe you should! Maybe then you'll have people who actually look up to you and respect you. Because as far as I see, no one does."

            Bellamy stormed off to the ladder but stopped to call to Octavia to his side, "Octavia, let's go."

            "I'm staying here," Octavia stated looking directly at Andromeda before looking at her brother with an icy stare.

            Bellamy had now lost the two people who usually stood by him and left without another word to any of them.

            "Power-hungry self-serving jack ass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself," Monty grumbles. He looked up to Octavia, "No offense."

            Octavia merely shrugged her shoulders in return.

            "Yea, Bellamy is all that," Finn said quietly, "But he also happens to be right."

            "He can't be," Andromeda announced and then she made her way outside of the drop ship so that she could get a little bit of air without the tension.

            Andromeda busied herself with a stick and started trying to attach a knife to the top of it. After a few hours of hard work with no result, she threw the stick down to the ground but pocketed the knife anyway. She walked away from the camp a little bit and sat down on a tree stump.

How could Bellamy think that killing Jasper would be okay? Maybe someone should stick a spear though him and see how he liked it. For all his shortcomings, he really has a lot of great qualities about him not that she would ever admit it. She liked him; she did respect him.

While she was having and internal conflict on whether or not to apologize to Bellamy, a slow yellow fog crept toward her. At first she didn't notice it until she started coughing. It was as if the air she breathed was dragging knives down her throat only to follow it with cotton balls so she couldn't breathe. She looked to her right and saw the fog quickly approaching. Her first instinct was to tough it out but thought better of it. She immediately started running back toward the drop ship coughing the whole way trying to swat away any nearing fog. No matter how fast she ran, it seemed that the fog was only gaining speed. She quickly reached the drop ship and saw that she was one of the last ones in. When she got inside she dropped her hands on her knees and took slow, deep breaths trying to force clean air into her lungs.

"Andromeda, are you okay?" Octavia came over to her and asked.

Andromeda waved her off. In all honestly, she still didn't have the breath to form words. When she finally could speak she was irritated.

"Fuck this, I'm going to sleep," Andromeda found herself a little clear spot on the ground near Jasper and fell fast asleep ignoring the burning in her lungs.

She must have been asleep for hours because when she woke to the sound of Jasper's moans, most everyone else was trying to fall asleep. She pushed herself off the floor immediately regretting it by the pain in her back. She stretched it out slowly.

"Sleeping beauty is awake," Monty chuckled.

"You don't get looks like these by just chance, Monty. You've got to work for them and that means sleep," she replied groggily.

"How're you breathing," Octavia asked her.

"Fine now considering I didn't die in my sleep. How is he?"

Octavia looked down and stroked Jasper's forehead, "Worse. Andromeda, I'm not sure how much longer he's going to make it. Maybe Bellamy was right."

Andromeda walked toward her, "Do you really want to give him that satisfaction?"

Octavia shook her head.

"Then stop thinking like that. I'm going downstairs for some water."

Andromeda walked the ladder and went across the room to the bucket they had. She got herself a cup and took deep gulps. The water burned but soothed her aching throat. With her second cup, she took it slower. She looked around the room and saw many of the delinquents awake because of Jasper's moans.

"Alright, I'm ending this," she faintly heard over her own gulps.

"I heard Bellamy gave him until tomorrow," she heard a girl say.

At this she became alert and ready. Little to her surprise it was Murphy who was going after Jasper. He had gotten out of bed and started to make his way to the ladder to the upper floor. Andromeda took off at a run stepping on and over other kids. She pushed Murphy to the floor and ran up the ladder.

"Murphy is going to kill Jasper!" she shouted as she ran up. If anyone was sleeping before, they sure as hell weren't now.

Murphy had gotten back up and started to pull on her leg to make her fall. She struggled against him and Monty and Octavia rushed to her to pull her up. She almost lost her footing but remembered the knife she still had in her pocket. She prayed to whatever god was listening and blindly slashed behind her. She heard a cry and the hand let go. She scrambled up the ladder with Monty and Octavia's help before a bloody hand came up the ladder to try to stop them from closing the hatch door. He managed to bring his head up and Octavia kicked it back down. Monty and Andromeda closed the hatch and sat on it.

"Hurry up, O," Andromeda yelled.

"Yea we're in no rush here," Monty added on.

"Shut up! I've got it," Octavia screamed back.

Octavia pulled off a support beam from the side of the drop ship and rushed over to them. She shoved it under the handle of the latch to prevent it from opening. Once it was secure they all just looked at each other breathing heavily.

"Never a dull moment," Andromeda breathed letting her head fall to the side and rest on Octavia's shoulder.

Last One Standing ➣ Bellamy Blake [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now