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THERE'S A GIRL, she must be 17 or 18 years old. She stands before me crying. Something is upsetting her to where she can barely breathe. She looks devastated. A tragic situation must have brought her all this pain. I wonder why she is crying so I walk up to her and try to place my hands on her face, but they don't touch her. My hands just hover over her skin, like she's a ghost, or a memory. She continues to cry and I can't help her, it's killing me. I want to comfort her and take the pain away. I don't understand why I want to help but something draws me to her, to her pain. It feels like I know her from somewhere, yet I have never seen her before.

The girl whispers something, too soft for me to hear but it seems to calm her down. I see that there's something in her hand, a necklace of some sort. It looks like a locket. She opens it up and the pain comes back to her face; her eyes never waiver from the locket as she steadily cries.

She whispers, "Be safe..."    


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All the chapters are complete but I'll be going back and editing them again. So if you've read parts before, and now they're different, that's why. Sorry for any confusion!

 Please enjoy!

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