Chapter Eight

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After a lot of arguing, I finally convinced Chase to bring me home. He said I would be safest at his house but I don't know how I would explain staying over at Chase's house with only his Chef as a chaperone. That wouldn't fly very well. I mean if these things never miss their mark then it'll probably get me eventually anyway, why avoid the inevitable. Chase wasn't too happy when I said that out loud, he thought I was giving up too soon. Which I guess did sound that way.

Chase agreed to take me home but he said he would basically stake out the house. It does give me comfort in knowing that he would be out there all night, but it also weirds me out. This guy that I've basically just met is going to be sitting outside of where I'm staying and watching me. Creepy. But I guess if I had to choose between Chase being outside and that Hunter getting me, I would choose Chase.

After he drops me off at the door, I head inside. It still feel strange walking into Brooke's house instead of my own, but I have a feeling that I probably won't ever be able to step foot into my house ever again.

I opened the door to their foyer and quickly lock it behind me. My mind tells me that, that is the safe thing to do but my subconscious knows that if that thing wants to get in, it'll get in. I half debate running back to Chase and asking him to take me back to his house but I know I can't do that. I start heading up the stairs but as I step on the first step, I glance at the basement door. My body shivers at the memory of yesterday. I decide to just book it up the stairs and run as fast as I can. As I head towards my room, I glance into Brooke's room and see that she's not there. She and her parents must still be at their dinner thing.

Me: Hey, I'm back from Chase's. I'm really tired so I'm just going to go to bed. Goodnight xoxo.

Brooke: Hey! You'll have to tell me alllll about it tomorrow! I'm sooo bored here and I think we're going to be here for a little longer...but I'll try not to wake you when we get home! Xoxo

I was hoping that she was going to say that they are on their way home so that I won't have to be alone here. But of course, I'm on my own for a little longer.

When I get into my room, I turn all the lights on, even the one in the closet. I don't know why I do that, it's not like the lights are going to keep me safe, but they do make me feel better. My room is towards the front of the house, which gives me a view of the street. Normally I hate having the street right there but when I glance out the window and see his car there, I'm instantly grateful for the view. If I can see him then he can see me, which means he can see if that thing comes back.

I head into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I try to make it as fast as possible because I don't like having myself confined to this small space. After I'm finished changing and washing my face, I slowly open the door and peek into the room. I scan the room until I am satisfied that I am alone. I rush over to my bed and jump in. Ugh the lights. I briefly think about just leaving them on for the night but I decide that they won't protect me anyway so there's no point. I decide to compromise and sleep with the television on. The sound from the TV will drown out any sounds coming from the house so maybe it will keep my mind off of the Hunter.

I get out of bed, head over to the TV and turn it on. I then head over and turn the lights off. When I return to my bed, I start switching through the channels to find a program that will keep my mind from wandering to the Hunter. Nothing seems to be on and I soon find myself getting taken away by sleep...

There's this girl. She's young, beautiful. She's whispering something but I can't seem to hear her. Whatever she's saying, she keeps repeating it. I try to get close to her but I can't. I can't seem to move. It is like I am paralyzed. She's just looking down and repeating the same words, over, and over, and over again. Never faltering.

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