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"Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!" Mabel and I chant as Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford lead us into Lazy Susan old diner for breakfast. I smile as Mabel waves hello to everyone we pass. They either wave back and go back to eating, or call Mabel over to talk.After Wierdmaggedon three years ago where we defeated Bill Cipher and turned him and his other demonic buddies into humans, a lot more people started respecting the Pines family. I slide into the booth that we pick out and smile as I think of Bill. Ever since he turned human he hasn't really done anything too evil. He and Mabel are actually best friends now. If he's not working in the gift shop you can usually find him upstairs in Mabel's room fangirling over the fanfics  those two read. Sometimes if he catches me staring at him like he's an idiot (which is surprisingly a lot considering an EX-DREAM DEMON is fangirling over fanfics) he'll stick his tongue out at me. We usually don't talk or hang out much. I'm brought out of my thoughts when Lazy Susan walks over.
"Hello Kids!" She says brightly, completely ignoring our Grunkles. I raise an eyebrow at Ford who looks pointedly at the table and Mabel nudges Stan who is glaring at the menu. After she takes our order, Mabel bombards the two older twins with questions.
"What was that about you two? You can't hide this from me! I will tackle you Stan and I'll have Dipper pester you with questions about the Journals Ford!" She says turning to her left towards Stan and getting in a pouncing position. I blush and sink a little lower in my seat.
"Mabel, that happened once, no need to bring it up again..." I mutter, embarrassed. Ford chuckles.
"Down girl," Stan jokes and Mabel relaxes. "We'll tell you. It all started when poindexter here came out of the portal. I had been avoiding Lazy Susan all summer, but when I ran for mayor, she seemed to get even more infatuated with me. She then mistook Ford for me and, well things got complicated." His story is interrupted by a crash. We look over to our left and see Lazy Susan shaking with fury.
"Is that all it was to you!?" She yells stepping over the broken plates and ruined food to get in Stan's face,"A complication!?" She holds her hands, palms outwards, towards our Grunkles, "I'll show you a COMPLICATION!!!" She begins to chant an ancient sounding spell and teal energy, the same color as her eyeshadow, begins forming a small ball in her palms. Her eyes, which are now glowing the same color as her magical energy, are locked on into a glare at our Grunkles. Right as she releases the energy, I push Ford out of his seat as Mabel does the same to Stan. As they fall, we both get hit with the energy. I hear Mabel gasp as the energy hits her. I try to turn towards her, but find that everything seems to be getting bigger. I try to call out to her but it comes out as a meow. I feel my body changing and scream in pain. One more flash of teal blue and my surroundings change. My vision fades as the pain gets to be too much for me. I once more try to call out for Mabel. I hear nothing but the sounds of the forest in return. Wait,the forest. I try to keep my eyes open and focus on my surroundings but find it impossible. Everything is too loud, too different. As my senses overload, I promptly pass out.

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