"Aw, what's with the face? Come here, you." He picked her up off her feet and rested his head against hers, mirroring her pout.

"I thought... I thought we could..." she sputtered, wrapping her arms around his collar and burying her face into the wonderful soft leather of his jacket. She couldn't quite form the words. Would he turn all aloof on her again? Would he pretend that nothing had happened? Just like before when he'd turned away from her?

"Shh..." He carried her into the kitchen and sat her up on the counter, standing between her knees. "Listen, the sooner I go, the sooner I can come back," he said, leaning in and kissing her softly at first, then hungrily, almost to the point where if he didn't stop, he'd rip her yoga pants off and take her right there on the kitchen counter. She didn't help things by literally dry humping him, with her hot little thighs tightly wrapped around him. "Fuck... Becky, you're killing me." He all but shuddered.

"Don't go," she gasped when he pulled himself away while clamping her hips down onto the counter.

"Oh, Becky," he husked, pressing his forehead into hers. "You're undeniable, you know that?" She could only shrug, feeling somewhat embarrassed by her behaviour. "Baby, trust me, this will happen soon enough. Just not right now."

"Later, tonight?" she asked, feeling awkward and desperate.

"Later... we'll talk," he said with a smile, sliding her forward and helping her to the ground.

"Okay then, if you say so," she said, standing at a loss as he gathered his things. At the last minute, he turned, looked at her and came back. He leaned in for a kiss and frowned at the disappointment in her face.

"Please, don't look at me that way," he pleaded.

"What way?" Crispin asked, having just stepped into the kitchen to refill his cup of coffee. "Go on, get out of here, Becky and I have plans."

"We do?" she asked, surprised.

With that, Kelley nodded and went on his way, leaving Becky alone in the house with Crispin. Well, not quite so alone, Keegan was around somewhere, probably downstairs in bed, sleeping in.

"Have a second cup with me?" Crispin offered, pouring them both the last of the coffee from the pot.

"Sure, why not?" she said, following him into the front room. He was already decked out in his Victorian finery. That's the thing with Crispin, he always impeccably dressed, whether he had somewhere to go or not.

"Sit down next to me," he suggested, catching her on the way towards Kelley's chair.

"Oh, all right," she said with a curious smile.

"Yes, I've missed our snuggles." He held her mug as she sat down next to him on the couch, rather stiffly at first. While she might be feeling better about her relationship with the Goths, she still didn't quite feel comfortable enough to resort to her old carefree ways. Just in case, Gracie's assumptions were correct.

"Oh, come on. Lose the schoolgirl jitters and relax," Crispin said, setting the mugs down on the coffee table. When she didn't, he took a deep breath and let out an exasperated sigh. "Becky, you're hurting my feelings."

"Really?" she asked, confused. "How, exactly am I hurting your feelings?"

He sat back into the corner of the couch with his hand tucked under his chin, his other arm, crossed over his waist, watching her. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, he sighed painfully. "Dormouse, you don't have to tiptoe around the subject. Just talk to me."

"I don't know what you mean." Becky purposely averted her eyes from him and toyed with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Fuck this shit! I can't stand it anymore," he lamented, reaching out and grabbing her into his arms, pulling her so that she rested her weight against him in the same way that they used to sit and watch movies together.

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