Chapter 20: The Consequences of Life

Start from the beginning

"I see." Was all Hikari said.

Jiraiya turned to look at her for the first time, and she only briefly made eye contact before turning back towards Naruto's figure.

"You don't want him to see you?" Jiraiya questioned.

Hikari shook her head. "It's too hard that way." She stated emotionlessly refusing to make eye contact with him.

Jiraiya knew the reasons behind that. The phrase 'the eyes are the windows to your soul' really hit home with her. While she is very good at keeping a straight face, her eyes give away her true emotions. It's something that she shared with her brother and father.

Suddenly Naruto turned back and without a seconds to waste, Hikari disappeared with no traces of her left behind. 

"Did you see that!?" Naruto shouted happily towards his sensei who chuckled.

"Of course I saw it, good job. Go dry off and then we'll have a little talk." Jiraiya stated.

Naruto nodded and ran off towards his clothes, carelessly wiping his body with them. He was all dry and ran to sit in front of Jiraiya by the tree. 

"Before I teach you the move, there is something you must understand. You probably don't notice it, but you have two different kinds of Chakra." Jiraiya stated much to Naruto's surprise. 

"Huh? Two different kinds?"

"Have you ver felt any special Charka in your before?" Jiraiya questioned.

"Special?" Naruto muttered, crossing his arms over his chest before unfolding them, thinking back on a memory. "Come to think of it… I think there was this one time when Chakra started gushing out… And gave me incredible power, I think… But I don't remember much of what happened that time." 

From a far tree, Hikari listened; her heart breaking for her little brother. He's faced so many problems from the villagers and yet he doesn't know what he contains. 

"I see." Jiraiya commented. 

"But I remember that it was different form the Chakra I used to mold. If I describe it in colors, mine is always blue… But it felt like a red one."

"I see." Jiraiya repeated again. 

There was a moment of silence between them as Jiraiya contemplated his next actions. He finally decided for it, taking a leap of faith. "Hey Naruto?"


"Have you ever met Namikaze Hikari?"

From the far tree, she tensed up. 'What is he trying to accomplish?' She thought furiously. She basically just told him not to say anything. 

"Oh Hikari-chan? Yeah I've met her!"

"What do you think about her?" Jiraiya asked.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. "I mean she's very pretty, but she's a lot older than me…" 

Jiraiya chuckled and quickly shook his head. "No no no. I just mean as a person."

"Oh, well she's very nice to me." He paused. "And she's very powerful." He added as an afterthought.

"Did you know that I used to train her?" Jiraiya asked.

Naruto's eyes widened. "Really?" Thoughts on how powerful she was and how powerful he could become were racing through his mind.

"Yes, and did you know that she was the one who actually recommended me to help you?" 

The small blonde's cerulean blue eyes widened even more at the newfound knowledge. "But why would she do that?"

"Believe it or not, but she considers you one of her friends, Naruto. You've become important to her."

Hikari disappeared before she could listen to Naruto's answers. A single tear dripped from her eye and rolled down her cheek as she laid in her bed. She flipped over and gingerly took the only picture she had with her family. It was of her at six years old posing with her mother and father. You couldn't see Naruto in this picture, but he was in their mother's womb at that time, so he was there physically.

The picture brought both happy and sad memories. She hated that she didn't have an actual picture with Naruto and she hated that the last picture taken with her parents were when she was six years old. 

She felt even more empathy for Naruto who only spent one day with his parents; he never even knew them. 

A feeling of anger bursted through her body. She was angry at the village for keeping their family apart, she was angry at her father for sealing the nine tails in Naruto, she was angry at the pain she had to feel; the list continued from there.

Another burst of anger trembled through her body at the thought of the elders. Not only had they broken up this family, but they also broke up the Uchiha clan. 

Her fists clenched and she willed herself not to think about it anymore. 

Sometimes life wasn't fair and it so happens that both their clans faced the aftermaths of it. 

Location: Roof of Naruto's house

The white haired Sannin stayed on the roof, a light smile on his face as he watched his pupil sleep.

He peered over, noticing a figure walking towards him. As the figure made its way into the light, he recognized him as Ebisu, Naruto's previous "sensei". 

"Sorry, Ebisu." Jiraiya spoke up. "I stole one of your students."

"Not at all. But I am surprised. Hokage-sama has been searching for you but he could not determine where you were at all." Ebisu stated.

"How did you find Naruto?" Ebisu added when he noticed that Jiraiya wasn't say anything.

"Namikaze Hikari told me." He finally answered.

"Ahh. Hokage-sama will be pleased to know that you are still in the village." 

"Did you tell the Third about me?"

"No, not yet." Ebisu responded. 

"I see." Jiraiya mused. "Let's leave it that way."

"Does this have to do with Orochimaru?" Ebisu asked, suddenly alarmed.

"No, I'm sorry, but it doesn't." Jiraiya responded with a straight face.


"I stayed in this place to get ideas for my novel and to watch over Hikari. Training Naruto just happened to fall under these categories." Jiraiya responded. "I don't like to butt into troublesome messes."

"What are you talking about? You should already know!" Ebisu called out in outrage. "To stop Orochimaru, the one praised as one of the legendary Sannin… We need another person from the legendary Sannin… You! Jiraiya-sama!"

Jiraiya faced him with the same straight face. "Orochimaru no longer has anything to do with me. The next generation will surpass the previous, you do not need to worry about legendary Sannins anymore." He stated firmly.

Ebisu wavered under his look before sighing. He bowed his head respectfully before leaving the roof, leaving Jiraiya there to regain his thoughts.

~ Gogyo Kaiin: Five Element Unsealer

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been uploading in a while. I'm going to resume uploading this due to all the comments and feedback that I've gotten. However, the updates might be slower because I'm trying to balance myself out between my stories. Thank you!


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