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THAT'S IT, Dawn was officially done with her life.

Well, not really. But kind of. Sort of. Maybe?

It's just two days before Christmas and still, she can't find a single thing to give to Eric. She actually has a lot of things on mind to give to Eric but she thought otherwise in all of them. She can't give him another beanie, Eric owns so many of them already. Perhaps a book? But they already own a lot of books in Watermarks and she doubts Eric would ever read it. The pile of books she gave on his birthday still remained unwrapped anyway. Maybe a shirt or a pair of jeans? Banoffee pie? Something that will blow his mind?

She cringed at the thought of something that will blow Eric's mind and started shaking her head violently. The bored girl at the cashier gave her a weird look and went back to reading some comic book.

"I hate this." Dawn said, biting her lower lip.

Although Christmas is one of her favorite holidays of the year, it's also one of the most stressful holiday too. She never learned the art of buying gifts in advance and always went to the flow of buying gifts to the last minute, which she absolutely loathe but a lesson she never seems to learn. Standing in the middle of the department store, the hustle and bustle around her made her head ache a bit. This was the absolutely pit.

Her mobile phone started vibrating inside the pocket of her jeans. She took it out and looked at it. A picture of Eric laughing flashed on the screen and she almost lost grip of her mobile phone. Just the mere image of Eric sends her heart flying over the moon.

They've been together for a year and a half now and somehow, the feelings still grow even fonder every day. Eric would come to her place, whip up something for breakfast while she sleep, and spend their rest days together. They would watch movies while eating buttered popcorn. Sometimes, when Eric was feeling his creative self, he would bake something for Dawn. A cupcake, a cake, maybe a loaf cinnamon sugar bread. Most of the time, when Dawn was about to take the mails out of the mailbox, there would be flowers tucked in with little notes from Eric.

Make this day yours, giraffe, because you are already what makes my day.

And these things, the little things actually, are the ones that makes everything beautiful.

But that didn't really change the fact that she hasn't brought him anything for Christmas. She stared at the vibrating phone, hesitant to answer the call from her boyfriend. Dawn knew Eric would be royally pissed right now but she didn't care. All she thought about was the gift she needed to buy for him, which she still hasn't decided on yet.

"Hello?" Dawn answered.

"Finally!" Eric's voice boomed from the other line. "I've been calling you for hours now!"

Dawn smiled. Knowing Eric's pissed actually made her kind of happy. "I was just out and about. Why?"

"You're not cheating on me, aren't you?"

Dawn found herself nuzzling a reindeer stuffed toy. Eric sure knows how to ask the silliest questions ever. "Well, I'm sorry Basil but I'm over you and I'm officially in love with Rudolph the reindeer. Not going to boast but he's the handsomest lad I've ever met." she grinned.

"I bet he's just going to break your heart and you'll come running back to me." Eric replied.

"Maybe. We'll see."

"You can't be officially done with me because I'll never be officially done being in love with you, Catherine."

With this, Dawn smiled cheekily, feeling the heat of her cheeks firing up. She continued nuzzling the stuffed toy. "What do you want for Christmas, Basil?" she asked.

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