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WHILE SHE WAS FIDGETING FROM THE PASSENGER SEAT, Dawn's mind drifted again to the conversation with that strange man earlier.

Why was he like that?

She remembered the things he said to her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was just thinking too much, even dragging Zeus' marriage to the picture. She should be happy for him. After all, she was his best friend and that what's Zeus wanted all along. But why did she feel uncomfortable about it? Dawn shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts.

Concentrate! Today's supposed to be my luck day, right? Might as well get on with it while it lasted.

She finally arrived after some time and was amazed.

The restaurant was beautiful. There were candles on each table and a Nora Jones song singing in the background. There were even vines hanging from the ceiling, different flowers from all over the place, and she could smell the faint scent of chicken roasting somewhere. It's such a grand place, she realized. Nobody would take her on a date like this but this was a blind date.

She spotted her date right away. Actually, she spotted his fedora hat immediately. His name was Daniel. He was sitting in the corner, looking bored, picking out the flowers in the vase. Dawn grunted. This was one of the things she hated about her dates. They all looked bored. To this, to that, and probably to her.

She walked toward him. "Uh, Daniel right?"

Daniel looked up and furrowed his brows.

"Dawn. Zeus' friend...?"

"Oh. Oh!" he smiled and stood up. He regretted it right away. "Oh my, I was informed you were tall but I didn't know you are this tall." He stood up at least four inches shorter. "Come, sit down. I've been waiting for you."

"Sorry for being late. Got something I had to do first."

Daniel looked...pleasant. The fedora hat had to go because it didn't suit him and he looked weird with it but all in all, he was pleasant. But what did she mean by pleasant anyway?

The no-boyfriend-since-birth spirit was kicking in and she started fidgeting.

As much as she didn't want to make up another reason to leave the table and her date, she admit that she didn't really want to be here right now. Earlier just took her by surprise. She was being emotional. All she wanted was to be under her blanket, eating Cheetos, and watching reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Maybe get some rest and sleep the day off. But she didn't want to disappoint Zeus again and going to this date might change her mind already. Maybe.

"So, what do you want to eat?" Daniel asked, smiling.

"Everything looks good to me." Dawn replied.

If only Daniel knew, Dawn actually wanted to order everything on the menu. They all sounded delicious to her ears. As a matter of fact, she would order two desserts later.

They ordered their meals—lasagna roll-ups for Daniel and lamb chop with mango chutney and mashed potatoes for Dawn; and for dessert, muscovado cheesecake, chocolate mousse and blueberry tart (two of the latter desserts were for Dawn)—and settled for red wine to drink while waiting. Dawn kept eating the basket of breadsticks.

"You look ravishing in that white dress." Daniel complimented.

R-ravishing? What does that mean? Dawn panicked. Jesus Christ. Why must be the bloke use words she didn't know? So she just smiled and pretended she knew the word.

"Are you okay, honey?"

And what's up with the endearment?

"I'm fine!" Dawn replied.

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