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It was a nice Thursday morning and everyone was busy in Floured, especially Zeus because he was the one assigned to make Mr. and Mrs. Domingo's 50th anniversary cake, which was a two-tiered carrot cake with rich, cream cheese frosting and edible flowers as decorations.

His brows gathered together and wondered who would look for him. Except Dawn. But it's been days since they last talked. They were about to eat dinner in Eastwood that night but Zeus bailed out to the last minute because Joanna had great news for him. She was two weeks pregnant. He apologized to Dawn and if Dawn was upset or anything, it didn't show. Or maybe Zeus was so excited about Joanna's pregnancy that he didn't saw it–the sad look in Dawn's eyes as he left with a quick hug and a promise that he'd call her. He didn't.

He put down his piping bag, wiped his hands to his apron, and went his way out of the kitchen. From there, he saw a very familiar face. A man in his early twenties with slightly long hair that was pulled back and a scowl on his face. He was holding the display on the counter and was paying intense attention to it, like it was the most important thing in the world. He knew he saw him before but he wasn't sure where and when. An indie song was playing in the background.

"Uh, hi?" Zeus greeted the man.

The scowl on the man's face disappeared, being replaced with a big smile. "Hi Zeus!" he greeted back.

Zeus examined his face carefully. Recalling the time he saw him. Then it hit him. "Eric, right? Dawn's neighbor-friend?"

"Yes. Yes, that's me." Eric was still smiling.

"What can I do for you?" Zeus asked.

Eric bit his lower lip and nodded, his hands deep within the pockets of his tattered jeans. He suddenly looked nervous. Well, he was nervous. "Well, I have a lot to talk about with you. About Catherine. If I may. I mean, talk to you about her."

"What about Dawn?"

"I...well, I can't really explain it but–the point is, I want to talk to you about her. If I may. Talk to you, I mean."

Zeus gave him a sidelong glance and furrowed his brows. "You know what, let's talk about it over my break. I'll be back in a minute. Make yourself comfortable there." he said, motioning him to sit down over the corner couch of the patisserie.

Eric nodded and walked over the corner table. The AC worked perfectly, eliminating the beads of sweat from his forehead. He was nervous. Really nervous. It's the first time he'd meet and talk with Zeus. They only met once, on his wedding day, and never heard of him after. He didn't even know Zeus that much. Heck, he didn't even know Dawn that much. So it's pretty much strange for him to talk to Zeus.

He made himself comfortable on the couch. The first time he went here, he met Dawn. He remembered his coffee stained white shirt and Dawn's crying, funny face. The way her eyes were puffy and slightly red. Eric smiled to himself. After a minute, Zeus came with a tray of freshly brewed coffee and sat opposite to Eric's.

"So." Zeus started, smiling.

"So." Eric repeated.

"What is it that you were going to talk about with me?"

"I think I like Catherine." the words tumbled out of Eric's mouth right away, making him choke on his own words.

Zeus stared at him for a full minute, his mouth hanging open, a faraway look from his eyes. Then he raised his brow and closed his mouth. He leaned back from the couch and started nodding. He had his hands under his chin. As if he was considering this. Whatever this was.

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