I collapsed on the bed with a huge sigh.

“Roza...” Dimitri carefully lay down next to me, nudging me farther towards the wall. “Was it Avery?”

I had been too hysterical to really tell him what had happened when he pulled me away from the window, and he had hurried me away to Alberta’s office once I had calmed down. There, I had only told them it was a voice which told me to jump, not who the voice was or where it came from.

“It came from the bond,” I replied, not taking my gaze off the ceiling. “It wasn’t Lissa though. It...could hear me. Lissa can’t hear me.”

Rose, be careful!

Lissa’s voice suddenly burst into my mind, causing me to sit up. “Lissa?” I asked, glancing around before realising it came from the bond.


I put a hand up, signal my need for quiet. I frowned, trying to focus on the bond, but it was like trying to listen to a radio with bad reception.

Careful....Avery! Stop!

Then all sound was cut off.

My worries shot up. “Dimitri, it’s Avery,” I said frantically.

“What do you mean? What just happened?” Dimitri asked quickly.

“I mean Avery is controlling Lissa. Liss just told me to be careful, and then it was like a bad radio reception, then I heard ‘Avery! Stop!’” I fired off rapidly.

Dimitri let out a long breath and buried his face in his hands. “Do you want me to go check on the princess?” he asked wearily.

I hesitated, trying gauge her feelings. They were those of irritation and frustration, but not hurt or fear. “No, she seems alright, and you checking up on her would only raise suspicion.” I sighed. I was doing that alot today, I thought absentmindedly. “Why must everything be so complicated?” I groaned out.

“Because you’re you and nothing is simple in your life,” Dimitri replied fondly.

I gave him a wan smile. “Thanks Comrade. Glad to know you’re always there for me.”

Dimitri chuckled. “That I am.” Then he sobered up. “Rose, what if she manages to really hurt you next time?”

I looked into his deep brown eyes, twin pools of love and fear for me. I put my hand on his cheek. “I’ll fight it. I’ll be much more prepared for it next time. She just caught me off-guard.”

Dimitri scowled. “That doesn’t make me feel better. What if next time you’re asleep? All of your defenses will be down then.”

“You’ll be there then,” I replied, smiling.

“That’s true,” he mused, playing with a strand of my hair. Suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed me.

My lips automatically moved with his, no thought on my part needed. I allowed my mind to completely shut down, focusing only on his lips and the way he made me feel.

“I love you,” he said breathlessly once we finally broke apart.

“I love you too,” I whispered back.


The next day, I sat in Deirdre’s, my counselor, office.

“Why do you think you tried to commit suicide?” she asked.

I sighed. “I didn’t. I was forced to. And just for the record, the only reason why I’m here is because Dimitri is forcing me to go. That doesn’t mean I have to answer any of your questions,” I snapped back.

Never Too Late: A VA Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें