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Writing The Memory Jar and Throw It All Away have definitely been increadibly satisfying, even at the end. Both stories have been about a ten months journey in total, and though I'm a bit saddened by it, the story has finally been finished, at least as much as you will see through my storytelling. This is not only the first story over fifteen parts that I've finished, but it's also the first story I've continued over more than one book, which I'm thinking is pretty huge. 

I'm pretty sure I've screamed at this story and wanted to punch walls over it, but it still ended up satsfying, even the sequel, which I was admittedly skeptical about half way through. This story does contain a lot of my own feelings over various issues, and probably has a little piece of my soul in it- or something similarily dramatic. 

Anywho, before I cry or something cheesy like that, let me continue on to the actual acknowledgements! Thank you all, and I hope you all read this, because there is an acknowledgement to all you readers somewhere along the line as well! 

These are my special thanks to: 

One Direction for being the wonderful boys we all know and love and for doing what they do. Without them, this story probably would have never been concieved! 

Dana for teaching many life lessons, even when she got lost along the way. For understanding the importance of family, trust, and love, as well as the gift of forgiveness with what's really important in life. 

Zayn Malik for being everything I listed in the first part of TMJ and more. For helping inspire this story and it's characters, as well as living his own dream, which I someday hope to do in my own way.

Ben for managing to stay upright in impossible circumstances, and teaching us all to protect the ones you love, at all cost.

Jane for learning and teaching us to never underestimate the value of family and friendship. A true family will rarely come along twice in a life, so cherish the one you have, whether it be biological or otherwise. 

David (mostly TMJ) for teaching us not to give up, despite doing so himself. If you fight hard enough, you just may able to help those most important to you, even in impossible circumstances.

Emma (mostly TMJ) for being a dedicated person, who genuinely cares for people. For not giving up even with impossible clients such as Zayn and Dana, and caring even when they forgot.

Evan (TIAA) for being that gentlemanly, fairytale boy we all secrely want. For staying genuine and true in the face of everyone he meets, and being more perceptive than anyone probably gives him credit for, as well as knowing when to forgive.

And lastly...

The Readers for sticking with me through this crazy journey of a story. For voting and commenting and helping me find faith in the twisted plot when I lost it all. For some of you, being there through the whole thing from the very beginning and not giving up on me or it. I will never be able to thank you all enough and honestly hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.


NOTE: If any of you have questions or concerns at all, pertaining to the story of TMJ and/or TIAA, let me know in the comments! Depending on how many there are and how frequently any are asked, I will make a FAQ or simply answer in the comments! Hopefully I don't need to create the FAQ though, then I can proudly say I've done my job telling the story! 

Again, thank you all so much for helping me with this amazing experience! 

For some shameless self-advertising, allow me to direct you to any of my other stories, if you're not already reading, especially my current ones! 

Human (Harry Styles) - In Progress

Visionary (Louis Tomlinson AU) - In Progress

As Far As I'm Concerned (Ziam Palik AU) - In Progress

Ugly Thoughts In High Places (Liam Payne) - Coming Soon

Losing Sleep (One Direction One Shots) - Forever Ongoing

Milk Carton Kids (Larry Stylingson AU One Shot) - Completed

Her Alias (Niall Horan) - Completed



Throw It All Away [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now