Chapter 11: Seeing

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Alright, so here's a new chapter! It is exactly a week, so I'm not counting myself as late on this one! :D 

So anyways, I hope that you all enjoy! I've been staying surprisingly on top of things, even with four stories going at once, with a collaboration work. Huh. Alright, read on and don't forget to vote and/or leave a comment and tell me what you think! :) 


            “God, where were you?” 

            “You can’t just run off like that!” 

            “Why didn’t you tell us at least?” 

            “What if something had happened?”

            I was bombarded with question after question, after being smothered in relieved hugs. 

            The other boys stood before me with a mixture of expressions, ranging from glares to smiles to frowns and everything in between. 

            I could tell that they were upset about the fact that Ben and I had run off without telling anyone, to look for Dana. It was admittedly, a really risky thing to do. And considering the fact that we all generally always know where everyone in the band is, I can see why they got freaked out.

            “We just went out, don’t worry about it,” I tried to tell them, raising my hands as if in defense.

            Speaking of Ben, he ditched me. Once we got back home, obviously, but the minute we stepped in the door he had run off to his room like hell’s demons were chasing after him. 

            In a way, he was the smarter of the two of us for that. 

            My four band mates looked ready to ask more questions until Liam frowned and shook his head. “Just leave him be,” he suddenly said, watching me with an intense gaze. “He’ll tell us if he wants to.” 

            Niall and Louis looked ready to protest, while Harry only shared a glance with Liam and seemed to understand.

            The two of them had a look about them that I didn’t like. I couldn’t tell if it was them understanding, or something else. It was close to a frown without actually being one, a contemplating, calculating gaze that made me want to scream and beg to be told what they’re thinking. 

            Instead, all I did was dart upstairs and hide out before they could ask anything else. I didn’t want to share the fact that after being threatened by Dana’s mother I was doubting just about everything involving Dana, even considering letting her go. 

            Maybe they would even encourage that. And I admit, part of me didn’t want to hear it. 

            Now I sit cross-legged on my bed in a pair of comfortable sweats and a t-shirt, basically hiding out from the world for the day. After everything that happened yesterday, I just need a day to myself, to think about all of this. 

            What the hell do I do? 

            After the suggestion of actually destroying the band, ruining us, I don’t know what I can do. There’s close to zero doubt in my mind that she’d do it, which is too big of a risk. 

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